To what extent do the ruling planets of houses 2-12 make your 1st House come off the way it does.

Kind of a loaded question, but what I’ve been curious about since I started learning years ago and still don’t see a lot of discussion of.

I’m looking at the bigger picture, I know what the first house is, I know how the ruling planet affects our ascendant/ first house. i know about interceptions and placidus but i’m solely talking about whole sign tropical here. I’m more curious if all of the ruling planets of each house work hand-in-hand together all the time, and if that is part of a reason to “why” we come off as our rising signs.

For example: to what extent are virgo risings percieved the ways that they are BECAUSE the sun rules their 12th house? Could this mean that every rising sign operates as they do because the sign/ruling planet of whichever sign precedes the rising, is hidden or blocked in their 12th house? You know, if virgo is practical and wants to be of service behind the scenes, AND the 12th house’s self containing energy being ruled by leo and/or solar energy, could that have any part in why virgo risings come off that way?

(Another example cuz this is more than just ab the 12th house) is the persona of a cancer rising coming off cancerian because their gemini energy is dealing with 12th house themes AND the libra energy is aimed towards their 4th house topics? And so on, etc. I hope this makes sense.

TLDR: in the bigger picture, to what extent do the ruling signs and planets of each house have an effect onto why our Ascendant signs materialize themselves to come off as the sign they are.

submitted by /u/Itchy_Plant_2020
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