September 27th, 2023: Venus Conjunct Juno

Waxing Inconjunct between the Pisces Moon and Libra Sun (3 deg)
Venus in Leo conjunct Juno (21 deg)
The Waxing Inconjunct is a disconnect between personal and impersonal. Something unknown but persistent nudges you- you may want to ignore it but the spiritual/transcendent/transpersonal issue continues to whisper. There's more beyond this one-on-one connection or your concerns about being liked. Not to say the relationship or concerns are invalid, but they must be balanced with the issue that demands you give up some control. There are bigger things at play here.
Having said this, Venus (ruler of Libra) is conjoining Juno and insisting that an agreement (something you can be proud of) is celebrated. This could be a marriage, anniversary, creative partnership. Whatever it is, the contract involves mutual joy and empowerment that comes from being together. This conjunction has been in force since Sept 10th (Venus and Juno have been moving close together) but now it peaks.
In this context, the Waxing Inconjunct reminds you that, even as you bask in the glow of something positive that's coming together, you must still acknowledge the magic/inspiration that passes through and around you. You and your partner are conduits, not the source. What you have is important but not the only thing that matters. A small sacrifice may be called for- giving something up so the contract can be finalized. And there is always the understanding that nothing lasts forever - this makes the moment shine even more brightly .
Painting by John Duncan: Wikimedia Commo
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