September 26th, 2023: Sun Square Vesta

  • Libra Sun square Vesta in Cancer (3 deg)

Focus on home, family or the past is throwing you off balance. Attempts to relate, socialize or express your purpose in an agreeable way may be blocked by this focus. There's something sacred about the past/family but it's taking up more and more of your energy. You're at a tense point now - the issue needs to resolved so you can find your center again.

This may be a tad obsessive-Vesta in Cancer is absolute attention on core needs/instincts. The solution lies in finding the midpoint between yourself and that emotional issue. If possible, create some distance through comparison - look at where you now vs where you were then or your goals vs their goals.

Know that the more you hone in on the family matter, the greater the block will become. Aim for compromise, even if it's only achieved within yourself.

Painting by Rembrandt: Wikimedia Commons

from Blog - Ruby Slipper Astrology


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