August 26th, 2023: Physical Improvements
Waxing Trine between the Capricorn Moon and Virgo Sun (3 deg)
Mercury Rx in Virgo conjunct Pallas (21 deg)
The Waxing Trine integrates authority with improvement. Attention to detail is delivered in a controlled, ambitious manner. You see what needs fixing and you have the power to get it done - you're not just fretting about what might go wrong. Excellent for concrete, visible improvements and taking control of your reality/physical health.
Mercury Rx/Pallas ensures that you're looking at the most important strategy for the above. A pattern is reviewed and upon closer examination you discover the little tweak that helps everything fall into place. It's easy to communicate your plan - the precise words are accessible and something complex is delivered clearly and concisely.
This conjunction occurred previously on Aug 8th so you're going back to issues from that date.
Painting by Albert Edelfelt: Wikimedia Commons
from Blog - Ruby Slipper Astrology
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