Earth Day is 53 years old

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The EARTH is mother, to every person animal tree, rock, river ans ocean on this planet. She is our home she has given us everything, and we owe everything to Her. Billions of humans have been born lived and died on our beautiful blue planet. It’s very critical that we wake up and claim her as our home and our oneness with Her and all life on the blue planet.

Speaking of Mother’s Day which happens May 14 in North America give Mom a Mother’s Day gift of a Tarot and Astrology Intuitive Reading. Gift Certificates are available.

April 22 marks the first Earth day in April 22, 1970 created by Jose Arguelles who brought back into usage the Mayan dream spell calendar, and who created the Harmonic Convergence on August 16/17 1987 which was the first world wide co-ordinated spiritually focussed New Age event.

Corporate greed and over consumption is what is destroying the earths species, causing disease and suffering.

Last year in 2022 EArth Day had its first Chiron Return. In Astrology the Chiron return happens between 50-52, a time of vulnerability and wounded ness. Our old wounds and unhealed toxic issues bubble up to be exposed and healed. We have certainly been going through that around the world. 2022 was Earths Day First Chiron Return which has been going on since over a year ago. 1970 first earth day has Chiron in Aries at 7 degrees it past over that on 2020/21. In Aries we are covering up our wounds and vulnerabilities and still wearing armour on the battlefields or we are initiating a detoxifying of the macho testosterone dominator model of the patriarchy which has gotten us to here and now.

There is enough food to feed all the people but the .000001% elites control all the wealth. Be aware that CERN is turned on again after 3 years. It causes massive changes in the earths energy fields.

They promote war, mass consumption and an increasingly Transhuman world. We must fight to protect our land and homes. To grow organic healthy food, rebalance the pollution, live a slower paced more natural lifestyle this has not about communism or socialism which the elites are pushing on the world. It’s about a simpler more real lifestyle. Too much waste, too much unconsciousness in how we abuse resources and allow governments to control every step of our lives from technological medical emergency births to death and forcing us to pay taxes. That’s not right. remember our mother and thank her, stop dumping waste and garbage, stop east fashion like Sein, plastic packaging, over packaging Amazon, there us tech that can turn all this around.

There is free energy from Nicola Tesla, we need to believe in a future, have children, keep multi- generational families together.This is such a critical time and so much mass media propaganda about overpopulation which isnt true. This is a WEF straight in yoru face that we want to depopulate the earth so we greedy bastards have it all to our .1% selves.

You do know that reducing carbon means meducing YOU we are the carbon, we are the carbon based beings on this planet. It has NOTHING to do with “climate change” part of the hoax used to make us poor suckers pay more taxes while the coprorations and billionairs pay NONE.

Have a great earth day. Sending you many blessings

get a reading

from Tara Greene,Tarot Reader, Astrology Psychic


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