Does the 3rd House include trips and travel within your own country?

Let‘s say you travel for four hours to a different area of your country and spend a few days there, or maybe just go for the day. You’re seeing new things and visiting new places but the language is the same, the food and architecture is very familiar and the people are the same nationality as you etc. Would these kinds of trips be classed as 3rd house travel, because they’re not too far away and there’s a lot of things you’re familiar with, or would they still be classed as 9th House?

Also if you’re from a larger country like the USA where there is a lot of variety in your country, maybe you could contextualise it as trips within your own region, like New England or the Deep South etc. That would be 3rd House. But then if you‘re from the Deep South and you travelled to the Pacific Northwest that would become a 9th House trip because everything would be very different to what you’re used to and feel more “foreign.”

submitted by /u/ErisedFelicis
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