February 24th, 2023: A Complicated Day

  • Pisces Sun trine the Scorpio South Node (5 deg)

  • Moon Conjunct the Taurus North Node (5 deg)

  • Waxing Sextile between the Taurus Moon and Pisces Sun (5 deg)

  • Venus in Aries opposite Ceres Rx in Libra (5 deg)

  • Venus trine Black Moon Lilith in Leo (5 deg)

Today features some complicated aspects, all at 5 degrees. 

The Waxing Sextile is an opportunity to manifest a vague impulse or dream into something real. The Sun trines the South Node, suggesting the dream will be energized by magnetic energy from the past. But the Moon conjoins the North Node so there's a direct path to the future - a prompt to develop physical or financial stability. There's an easy flow from past to future but only if you make an effort. 

Venus opposes Ceres Rx, pitting relationship nurturing against the desire for independence. This is a culmination where unbalanced giving/mothering might push someone away or present an either/or situation (mother or free woman, nurturer or warrior woman). Perhaps you're torn between these extremes and think that you cannot be/do both. 

Venus' trine to BML increases the energy of independence and passion as controversial issues in the spotlight add heat to desires such as breaking away, focusing on self and following primal instincts. 

The above are featured in two Yods (see screenshot above). A Yod is a tense configuration that focuses energy on a specific goal. The goal is a problem or moving target until everything clicks into place but Yods can be so troublesome that often nothing clicks into place and you're left struggling. However, if the goal is reached there can be a massive sense of achievement. The tension of the moment points you towards your goal. Having said this, don't feel like you've failed if this doesn't work out - Yods are truly difficult. Sometimes, all you can do is breath your way through the tension. 

Yod #1 has the Sun as a focal point, hit by inconjuncts from Black Moon Lilith and Ceres. BML/Ceres form the base of the Yod as they sextile each other, so despite their contradictory energies they are in harmony- nurturing of another can be balanced with putting self first (even if that involves controversy). Lilith's outsider energy becomes a key part of the balance as her power and independence are nurtured or nurturing. 

The inconjuncts to the Pisces Sun present a challenge - taking that harmonious power further to help others or to elevate yourself is the goal. But there may be a struggle to express both sides of self (the nurturer/mother and the free woman) without undermining the ego or becoming a victim. Pride can be difficult to manifest. Purpose is vague. Who are you, really?

Yod #2 has Ceres Rx as the focal point with inconjuncts to Moon/North Node and the Sun. The Waxing Sextile is the base (the opportunity to solidify a dream) and the goal is to focus this energy through balanced nurturing. The struggle can result in unbalanced swings  - smothering mothering or passively doing nothing. Preserving against all odds or letting everything slide through your fingers. 

And this is actually a Boomerang Yod because Venus opposes Ceres. So Ceres' focal- point energy bounces back to Venus who becomes the final goal- nurturing rebalanced to a new, passionate expression of happiness. Finding freedom in a new version of the relationship. The Ceres/Venus polarity can be seen as mother/daughter. 

Yods often bring fated contacts or hi-light someone who represents a major challenge. With the Sun, Ceres  and Venus as focal points, there can be issues with father, mother, daughter, the addict, victim, healer or rebellious woman. The key with any Yod is to moderate all energies - help them work together by making each impulse a little less pronounced until they stop clashing. Sometimes, there can be an "a ha" moment when the person (represented by the Sun, Ceres or Venus) is the catalyst that adjusts your perspective. 

from Blog - Ruby Slipper Astrology https://ift.tt/fT5nV1C


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