January 30th, 2023: Taurus to Gemini Moon

  • Taurus Moon trine Pluto in Capricorn (28 deg)

  • Moon Void of Course in Taurus (12:51 am EST)

  • Moon enters Gemini (3:34 am EST)

  • Moon square Venus in Pisces (4 deg)

  • Moon sextile Jupiter in Aries (5 deg)

  • Moon conjunct Mars (10 deg)

The last aspect the Moon makes before it goes Void of Course (it makes no other major aspects to any planets before it changes signs) is a trine to Pluto. This is the easy intensification of what you have or own. You settle into your body and strengthen your connection to physical aspects of your security. Your commitment goes a bit deeper and it's not a dramatic change - just a subtle strengthening and confirmation. 

As the Moon enters Gemini, squaring Venus and making a sextile to Jupiter, the energy changes to something lighter and faster. New info rushes in along with a restless desire for more/different. Attention can be scattered if you grab for too much but this can also be a fun, sociable influence. This is flirty, clever and all about possibilities (that may never materialize). But sometimes it's enough to just smile and imagine. 

As the Moon unites with Mars you may find your focus snaps onto one conversation/object- suddenly, you're motivated to argue/pursue with vigor.  Maybe someone hits you with a cheeky, edgy message- are they joking or serious? Probably a bit of both but it's always safest to not put too much weight on this aspect- the situation will come and go quickly. 

Painting by Vittorio Reggianini: Wikimedia Commons

from Blog - Ruby Slipper Astrology https://ift.tt/OhVLfSE


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