Get physical, Weekend Astrology January 28-29

The Moon is in TAURUS, a feminine, stable earth sign of heightened sensuality all weekend.

Get physical, eat chocolate, enjoy a sumptuous meal, get a great massage, stretch, enjoy being in the Garden of Eden,where I feel I am currently located in Costa Rica in a remote area. Taurus moon enhances great sex too so enjoy, this physical realm.

January 28


We’re half way to the next FULL MOON February 5 at 16° 41’ LEOMoon trines MERCURY in CAPRICORN Good time to do some serious financial planning and long term practical and career plotting. Our minds our down to earth

Moon conjunction URANUS Great for think tanks, networking and thinking outside the box. This aspect helps you Radically change your mind and values.

January 29

MOON sextiles * Neptune in a.m.

Good for daydreaming and vision board creating.

Moon squares sober SATURN 7:03 pm EST

Issues with dads, sobriety, can feel depressing, overwhelmed with responsibilities, body aches, arthritis. Pay attention to your body because it always gives the best feedback.

SUN trine MARS In GEMINI at 9+°

Like taking speed, our brains are hyper-fast. Great for brainstorming, eureka moments and breakthroughs in artists block. MERCURY trine URANUS in TAURUS

A blow your mind energy. The cosmic cattle prod in Uranus. Ok I won’t go any farther with that. Expect unexpected messages and info mix ups. But use them to think differently.

MOON Trines PLUTO in CAPRICORN at 9:52 pm PST

Always a power struggle enhances time. Good for doing shadow work.,

Moon is Void-of-Course at this time

January 30 at 12:52 am EST

January 30 MOON enters GEMINI at 12:35 am PST/ 3:35 am EST

I am on a Vision Quest now in Costa Rica for a month. I am in paradise and very grateful. I had my first major dream last night about time travel, and a quote “ Didn’t you get the message?” Twice. The important thing to ask is what was the message?

Pay attention to the signs and symbols and your dreams with VENUS in PISCES from January 26-February 20 where she is exalted. She is Granting many wishes. There are 4 Days during this time with Venus dedication days.

Friday January 27, February 3, 10 and 17

During these days work with Venus. Call upon Venus to cleanse and release old toxic co-dependent relationship and addictions of all kinds-love, shopping, alcohol drugs, psychedelics, workshops, worshipping false gurus, gambling and porn. Pisces rules guilt and martyrdom-like The Hanged Man in the tarot. Let go of all that shit. Pisces also rules debt so do be careful of getting yourself into debt or staying in denial of your debts physical and karmic.

Please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene.

While I am on a self directed Vision Quest to clear out my auric,psychic and physical self I need this rejuvenation now. A pre Saturnian Pisces and Pluto in Aquarius seeking visions for myself, my clients and the world.

I am doing some select readings from a pure Vida perspective while I’m in Costa Rica. Booking now after February 2. Go to my website to book now. B



from Tara Greene,Tarot Reader, Astrology Psychic


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