February 1st, 2023: Sun Sextile Chiron

Aquarius Sun sextile Chiron in Aries (12 deg)
Individuality is enhanced by the acceptance of vulnerabilities, which helps you relate to others who are in pain.
When the wound is made public it becomes easier to bear. You're not asking for sympathy. Rather, this aspect emphasizes the courage to stand apart from the crowd with your pain. There's empathy but it's detached rather than tearful - you see others who are going through what you're dealing with and you recognize fellow pioneers, trekking alone through the wilderness but united by common experience.
Healing occurs through this experience of "alone but together". Nobody's holding your hand and you don't need that because your integration of what hurts/where you've been cast out means you've helped yourself.
The sextile is not obvious. There may be an opportunity to connect with others through your wound, but you'll have to do something with it.
Painting by Abbott Handerson Thayer: Wikimedia Commons
from Blog - Ruby Slipper Astrology https://ift.tt/2eEH69R
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