Best replacement for Jim Maynard's Pocket Astrologer? Also, simple books for learning about aspects, houses, chart reading?

Hello! I am looking to surprise an astrology enthusiast in my life with two (or more) books. I would greatly appreciate any recommendations for:

  1. A replacement for Jim Maynard's Pocket Astrologer. She was a big fan of these and I used to get them for her every year, but since Maynard retired a couple years ago she hasn't found anything else she likes as well. I tried another similar book (can't remember which unfortunately) and she didn't like it as much. Also tried the Llewellyn astrology wall calendar, and that was a little better but still not as good. What else is out there that is the most similar to Pocket Astrologer?
  2. A simple, inviting, easy-to-follow book which explains aspects (conjunction, trine, etc.), and maybe also houses. She wants to be able to interpret the symbols she finds in astrological calendars (like the ones that say which planets are in which relative positions on which day), and ideally also to interpret more of her own birthchart and maybe one day figure out how to make charts. She loves astrology and wants to get deeper into it, but unfortunately she gets easily intimidated by "too much math" or a presentation which seems dry, dense, or technical.

I am into magic(k)/occult/etc. but don't know enough about astrology in particular to be able to vet which books are or aren't good sources of info. Anything you can suggest would be appreciated. Thanks!

submitted by /u/Hungry_Barracuda8542
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