Rare Sun Venus Black Madonna Scorpio Solar Eclipse

Scorpio Solar Eclipse, Sex, love and financial transformation

Master Taking of Tarento (Florence), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
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October 25, 2022, begins at 08:58 GMT, reach the maximum at 11:00am GMT, and ends at 13:02 GMT.

October 25 Partial Solar Eclipse with rare Sun Moon Venus conjunct in Scorpio bodes ill for financial markets, the rebirth of Dark feminine mysteries and transformations in soul values.

This is the darkest of dark NEW MOON is very much a time of magical new intention setting and for honouring the dark feminine mysteries as VENUS is conjunct the SUN and MOON making this a triple threat blessing.

Solar eclipses impact outward visible events. A Scorpio solar eclipse activates secret and hidden things which will come to light.

Everything is born from the darkness, is birthed into and dies in the Light. Rudolph Steiner quote.

If you have planets angles or nodes at 1-3 degrees SCORPIO you will be impacted the most by this Solar eclipse. Although everyone has these degrees somewhere in their natal charts. Look to which house these degrees fall into and the aspects these degrees make to other planets to find their relative significance.

ECLIPSES herald major changes to world figures and historical events and their effects last 6 months until the next round of eclipses.

Eclipses reoccur every 6,585.32 days ~18 years 11 days 8 hours and are counted in Saros numbers which span centuries. These Saros cycles were known to the Ancient Chaldeans as an interval when lunar eclipses repeat, and are used for solar eclipses too. 

Commonly and anciently, Eclipses of the Sun or Moon were referred to as “The Dragon’s eating the SUN a North Node, dragon’s head eclipse or the Dragon’s Tail eliminating at a South  Nodal eclipse.

The last time VENUS was conjunct the SUN on an ellipse was March 2013 in ARIES near a star point, The last timeVenus was connected and eclipse in Scorpio was October 1994,1966,1938- a 28 year Saturn like cycle. interesting.

October 22 VENUS SUN conjunction at 29 degrees LIBRA  RARE once in 150-year + square Pluto in Capricorn}

The VENUS STAR POINT at 29 LIBRA is a rare auspicious occurrence. Venus makes a star point every 9+months over an 8-year cycle. This Venus STAR point echoes previous star turn points from October 2014 and 2018 which were in early degrees of Scorpio this is reflecting the SOLAR ECLIPSE  NEW MOON occurring October 25 at 2 degrees SCORPIO. You may want to look back at what was happening in your life back then. The synchronicity of the solar eclipse to these degrees in a totally new sign and element bode well for BIG changes ahead. Remember that eclipses repeat every 18+ and 19 year cycle at the same degrees.

THE ECLIPSES is Saros cycle 124  it is 55 of 73 eclipses  Next one will be on November 4,2040

This eclipse cycle began  March 6, 1049  the 2nd one was on March 17,1067 and this date is significant now because  in 1066 the Normans conquered England. it was on Christmas day in 1066 King William immediately began consolidating his power. By 1067, he faced revolts on all sides and spent four years crushing them. He then imposed his superiority over Scotland and Wales, forcing them to recognise him as overlord. This eclipse cycle has a most powerful impact on the UK and on King Charles III and the hose of Windsor in general

The last eclipses in this cycle were on October 14,200,4  October 3, 1986 September 22 1968  September 12,1950   

August 31, 1932  August 21, 1914  And July 18, 1860 before The Civil War in the U.S. broke out  April 12, 1861 

The Moon is in Fall  or detriment in Scorpio especially near 3 degrees Scorpio, the exact degree of its Fall because the moon is exalted at 3 degrees Taurus opposite. It’s not really a bad thing. The conjunction of VENUS with the SUN adds love beauty appreciation values, attraction especially as Venus was just blessed with her golden conjunction with the sun.

MARS rules the eclipse and MARS is OUT OF BOUNDS at 23°34’40” N this brings an extra WILD card factor into the mix

A solar eclipse with the SUN MOON And VENUS in Conjunction is a rare and powerful mix

Even though VENUS is weak in MARS’ ruled SCORPIO she brings the love and a feminine balance into these potent energy fields. 

During eclipses, the electro magnetic energy fields shift.

This is a triple-threat eclipse. Mars is in GEMINI and about to turn Retrograde in a few days on October 30 at 25 degrees 37”  GEMINI conjunct to the NORTH POLE STAR this Mars turning point will powerfully affect and infect is the word coming to me all communications information, declassification as we will all be reconsidering a word that means without a star, reviewing, rehashing, re the Twitter deal occurring under Mars Retrograde, reflecting, airing things out in a new way and going over those old relationship arguments and our two cents that we didn’t get to say until January 11 2023.

SYMBOLS for the 3rd degree of Scorpio -we always round up a degree except when Retrograde

The original Mark Edmond Jones and Dane Rudhyar


KEYNOTE: The feeling of community demonstrated in a basic joint effort.

In rural neighborhoods, especially as the American West was being developed, the building of at least the framework of a house was often a collective, friendly enterprise. Newcomers building their home-to-be found friendly helpers in their neighbors. The sense of togetherness and participation in a common enterprise was developed by such collective work. The home remains “our” home, yet the whole community is involved in its erection and the welcome marking its completion.

At this third stage of the five-fold sequence, feeling becomes activity. The past and its memories are repolarized in terms of the expanded social consciousness. From that activity a new sense of reality will derive. The Keyword is COOPERATION. 


This speaks of the need for folk to help to pull things together, a community, an idea, a project, a belief, anything that binds people together.

Co-operation. Parties. Considering the needs of people. Dormitories. Building bigger and better things. Matchmaking. Community halls. Helping hands. Homeless shelters.

The Caution: Taking advantage of group generosity. Refusing group endeavors. Bickering over who does what. Not trusting people’s input. Shutting off from others.

 mysterious food, a small piece of which will satisfy hunger for days. (Omega Symbol) Manifesting/Receptive

(Degree Angel: Rochel (ro-SHEL) Lost and Found, Restitution)

This degree possesses innate knowledge of what is needed to sustain life, versus what may be desired based on fantasies or addictive needs. There is something highly concentrated about its energy, so that what it may seem to be at first may be quite different from how it is experienced as it unfolds over time. It is hard to get to know, hard to assimilate and may be difficult to understand, but any attempts to do so are well worth the effort, for it has much of value to offer.

The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “Pigs being fed.” We associate pigs with gluttony and over-eating. The Symbol does not say how much they are being fed. Are they being stuffed with as much food as they can possibly hold, or are they being fed a healthy amount? Scorpio is the sign of desire, and over-eating is often an attempt to fulfill oneself when one has been starved or denied in other areas. At its best this degree revels in what is taken in, be it love, a beautiful painting, a sunset, or a bowl of macaroni and cheese. If, though, it is not in deep and sincere touch with its true desires, it may binge chronically in an attempt to get something it never quite gets.

Pleiadian Symbol: Workers without any plans are building a labyrinth.

Azoth Symbol: Alchemists sharing, integrating and refining their formulae.

Seed degree: Taurus 2. A saint’s bones have turned to pure gold. (Omega Symbol). When we contact the deepest most enduring meaning within, we find that it is amazingly nurturing, and has the power to sustain us deeply when we allow it to.

Wilting flowers form a graceful pattern in a vast. (Chandra symbol). The passing away of beauty, when realized as beautiful in itself allows us to be nourished by all the phases of the cycles of birth and death.

Fulfillment degree: Sagittarius 18. A satyr chasing young maidens who are laughing and screaming. (Omega Symbol). A deep fulfillment of our desires allows us to be carefree and to enjoy life to the fullest.

Rose petals scattered on a path. (Chandra Symbol). When we allow ourselves to be satiated we are than able to see the love that is everywhere to be found along our way

SCORPIO  Pigs Being Fed- think  ANIMAL FARM this is Elias Lonsdale’s interps
Feast or famine. Generating a world with an on or off switch. By pressing the off switch habitually, none of your deeper needs or desires are being met, and you resent this with an internal grumble that eats away at your substance. The on switch, pressed in emergencies when you have nothing left, pulls in a very full response to what you crave. Suddenly everybody and everything are there filling you up with goodies. Yet as soon as you have had your fill you starve yourself down to spiritual emaciation. Denying yourself everything is karmic pattern that you are chronically hooked on. Granting yourself brief reprieves from this ancient sentence is the only way to blow off steam and survive for another round. However, you do acquire a taste for the plus state to come, realizing that if you can release the past, everyone else is willing. And all signs are forward as soon as you let up stinging yourself for past misdeeds and come afresh to life, hungry and willing.

Partial Solar Eclipse, New Moon, October 25:

Those born on or near the eclipse date, or on or near the following dates or years will feel, significant major transformation in their emotional and financial lives

Early degrees of Aquarius January 23, Taurus April 22,  Cancer July 25

Scorpio is am archetype of DEATH #13 in the TAROT a necessary stage in all of life. Our cells are dying and being reborn moment to moment. It’s the symbol of regeneration and empowerment. Scorpio magnetizing things from the deepest emotional soul desires.  Venus also a magnetic attraction force, in Scorpio intensifies everything

 process of sex love reproduction, tantric sexuality power magnetic control., secrets the underworld death inheritance rebirth. Under this especially potent Scorpio eclipse, the karmic nature and the repercussions of relationships and developing circumstances cannot be understated.

An eclipse will energize well ahead of the actual date of the event and holds a magnetic resonance that will continue to unfold for 6 months. Venus rules our value systems. It deepends our soul searching quest for real and lasting value which is never material,

QUESTIONS to ask for what its worth, PLAY THAT SONG BY THE BUFFALLO SPRINGFIELD What is it worth to me?   Love, how I earn money? What do I want,  need?  What are my ancestral gifts? What needs to die for new growth to take place?

This eclipse is of note because it was relevant to Queen Elizabeth and her death and also the ascension of King charles11  King Charles has his Moon at zero Taurus opposite

Queen Elizabeth had her Sun at zero Taurus eclipses can be in effect before they occur

Prince William has Jupiter a zero Scorpio he is directly impact

Prince Harry has Pluto at zero Scorpio

The eclipse will also raise important questions and dialogue regarding the institution of monarchy and colonialism. Which is set to end because the UK came into being under a solar eclipse which Prince William was born under and which ends in


The solar eclipse is situated in the 12th house, one-degree conjunct Vladmir Putin’s Ascendant. There is something happening in his unconscious and in how he impacts the world. Scorpio is about power, death and secrets, apparently Putin has cancer. He could be assassinated too. He could very well die within the next 6 months. That is my prediction.

Scorpio rules transmutation of things also refineries and reserves of money, finances, big banks, nuclear power ruled by Pluto, explosions, spying/ espionage, the Underworld, criminal activities, money laundering, murder, torture like what is going on in Iran with the women protesting. Also relates to discovery of unmarked graves,


The eclipse is visible over most of Europe, Northern Africa, the Middle East, and western parts of Asia. The eclipse takes place four days before the moon’s closest proximity (perigee) to the earth. It is number 55 of 73 eclipses in its Saros series.

Scorpio Decan 1 – October 23rd to November 1st

The first decan of Scorpio (21st October to 20th November) is known as the “week of power”. The first ten days are of the most potent personas and are considered to be full Scorpio.

Because of that unrestrained vigour its either world domination or  the depths of hell Its time to be calculating

The stars of the constellation CRUX on the Cross

Relates to divination and two of Scorpio decan 1’s major stars reside in this cross. This allows us to tap into other dimensions and gives us the power that can be used for good or ill. With Scorpio decan 1, it’s either black magic or white magic. Never any shades of grey..

This decan is associated with the tarot card the five of cups: Its divinatory meaning “brings sorrow, loss, grief and suffering. 

5 of Cups: Scorpio decan 1
Decan ruler (Chaldean): Mars
Hermetic title: Disappointment / Loss in Pleasure
Corresponding major Arcana is #16 The Tower [Mars] + Death [Scorpio]
 The 5 of Cups is of the sign of Scorpio, whose ruler (traditionally), is Mars.

All 5’s correlate to the Sephiroth Gevurah called Severity on the Tree of Life.  The planet of Geburah is Mars.

The 5, 6, and 7 of Cups decans are ruled by Mars,the Sun, and Venus- very significant to this eclipse.  In Kabbalistic tarot, #19 the Sun represents Sephiroth #6 Tiphereth, the heart of the Tree of Life, where all forces come into balance  The previous Sephiroth #5 is Gevurah, ruled by Mars, the next Sephiroth #7 is Netzach, ruled by Venus.

This is a South Nodal eclipse of releasing major values and assumptions, related to power and control, secret cabals, women’s rights and reproductive freedom, financial changes, inheritance, taxes, wealth, rebirth, surreptitious things and of course deep shadow work. Scorpio ruled by PLUTO is toxins garbage, radiation, secret power mongers, and the Plutocrats. All eclipses open windows of opportunity for 6 months so especially in Scorpio season do the work, the deep hard, rage releasing work.

The current mode is everyone waking up to the total brainwashing for thousands of years on the planet by the Cabal. This is time to wake up and smell the toxic poisons that have been infused into every area of our lives historically call it colonialism patriarchy revision big pharma the war machine the WEF the Big banks CIA the Illuminati.

I have a video explaining all the astrology aspects on Youtube.


Look at where the Scorpio energy falls in your natal chart. If you want a more personal interpretation on how this eclipse affects you.Get in touch


from Tara Greene,Tarot Reader, Astrology Psychic https://ift.tt/ygZiLmz


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