MARS RETROGRADE INFOGRAPHIC: 8 to 25 degrees in Gemini, Sep 3, 2022 to Mar 15, 2023 (Went Rx today)


Here we go, Mars Retrograde. This is a just over 6-month long process, including pre and post shadow periods. We’ve already been in this event for a while, since Sept. 3rd when it entered the Pre-Shadow. Transiting Mars has gone retrograde today.

  • PRESHADOW BEGINS: Sep 3rd, 7:07 pm EDT / 23:07 UT, @ 08 gem 07'45"
  • GOES RETROGRADE: Oct 30th, 9:26am EDT (13:26 UT) 25 gem 36'50"
  • RETROGRADE ENDS, GOES DIRECT: Jan 12th, 3:57pm EST (20:57 UT) @ 08 gem 07'45"
  • POSTSHADOW ENDS: Mar 15th, 11:58pm EST (3/16 03:58am UT) @ 25 gem 36'50"

To use this infographic:

Just imagine laying your own natal chart on top of the chart in the image, matching up the signs of your natal to the signs in the image. Not your houses. Align your chart’s signs. Now you know where transiting Mars in Gemini is, in your chart.

Those lines fanning out from Mars in the image, with their aspect symbols in the dots, show you which kind of aspect transiting Mars will make to each sign in your chart. It makes a sextile to Leo, a square to Virgo, a trine to Libra, etc.

The grey highlights on the degrees:

Only the degrees highlighted in grey (8 to 25 of each sign) will receive aspects during the Mars Rx process. Though certainly Mars, before and after retrograde, will aspect the rest of the degrees.

EXAMPLE: If you have a natal planet at 10 Virgo, (or at any degree within the degree range shown by that little grey highlight on the degrees ring in the image), then that planet will receive a square from transiting Mars in Gemini. It will receive 3 separate exact squares from Mars as Mars moves back and forth.

The list of dates at bottom right of the infographic:

This will tell you the dates transiting mars will be at each degree of the process. If you have a planet at 10 degrees of any sign, find that degree in the first column. We see that the aspect from transiting Mars to things at 10 degrees happens from Sep 7th to 9th. Now go straight across, following the 10-degree row, and see the other dates when it happens again: Dec 23-27 and Jan 30-Feb 4.

We follow Mars’ movements down the first column of dates (this is the preshadow as it is moving forward), then up the center column (this is its rx period), and then down the 3rd column (again moving forward). This is basically a substitute for looking at an ephemeris, which you can find here for free: 2023 Ephemeris pdf. I like to keep that pdf on my browser bookmarks bar, as well as in my phone.

Resources for learning about this Mars Retrograde period:

Self Care Tips for Mars Retrograde in Gemini, from Kelly Surtees

Water Trio Astrology Podcast (for the last quarter of 2022, timestamped link for Mars Rx), from Cassandra Tyndall, Kelly Surtees and Alicia Yusuf (They are back!) If you can only watch one thing in this list, watch this. They are quite good. (One small correction: they cite 9 degrees when it does retrograde to 8 degrees.)

Mars Retrograde In Gemini, blog post by Cassandra Tyndall from the Water Trio.

Mars Retrograde, post and 26-minute video by Alicia Yusuf from the Water Trio.

How To Navigate This Tricky Transit and Protect Your Energy, blog post from Chani Nicholas.

Astrology Forecast for October 2022 Chris Brennan, Diana Rose Harper and Austin Coppock. Just check the timestamped links in the video description. There are two short segments related to Mars.


Please study the infographic carefully. But if you are confused, do feel free to ask here for help in understanding how to make use of it. I will not, however, be answering any "what does it mean for me" questions. I've provided a number of links to help you understand. Here are some further tips:

  • Figure out which house transiting Mars is in, in your natal chart. It is easiest if you do your chart in Whole Sign houses. But in Placidus, just find where 8 to 25 degrees of Gemini is. It may involve two houses. One can expect that Mars' influence will occur in the matters your Gemini house covers. If you are unsure about houses, please read u/EverbrightRDT 's post summarizing the houses here.
  • Figure out if you have any natal planets in that 8 to 25 degree range of any sign, then see what kind of aspect transiting Mars will make to them. You can then google "transiting mars" [aspect type] [natal planet]. Put those two words in quotes when you google, so that you get transiting aspect descriptions instead of natal ones.
  • Check your Annual Profection to see if your Gemini or Virgo house (must use Whole Sign houses for this) is your current focus (and so, having Mercury as the lord of the year), or if it's your Aries or Scorpio house, which would make Mars your lord of the year, meaning any transits from Mars may be more important to watch. For everyone, a 1st house profection is at ages 12, 24, 36 and on, every 12 years. Count houses from there: 2nd house profections for everyone are at ages 13, 25, 37 and on. Profections go from one birthday to the next. Video to learn about profections is here.

There can be more, such as which houses Mars rules in your chart, which houses natal planets rule that are being impacted by transiting Mars. But the above will be enough to get you started.


It's likely there are other transits happening at the same time, so don't automatically assume anything that occurs over the next months is because of Mars Rx.

submitted by /u/StellaGraphia
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