What are your thoughts about hidden layers/or indirect layers of the birth chart?

Hey all, im curious about your thoughts around kind of like...hidden layers of the birth chart...what i mean by this is for example:

someone has no planets in scorpio, but surprise they have pluto in the first house so theyre basically scorpio

or pluto isnt so aspected in someones chart but surprise they have 5 planets in the 8th house so theyre basically a walking scorpio.

or the same with aspects...someone has no scorpio in their chart but have 5 aspects with pluto and their personal planets.


i guess im curious if other people have had experiences with these kind of indirect layers and how you might go about interpreting it and also if anyone has experience with synnystry how they would account for all of these elements when reading synystry charts...im finding that i read relationship astrology more accurately by first looking at each individuals chart and looking at the deeper layers which may be tricky to see in the synystry chart and only then looking at the aspects that overlap

im hoping this makes sense, i know i kinda vomited it all out, but this is something im exploring in my own readings and id just love to get some resonance or thoughts around it from other experienced astrologers

any thoughts would be helpful :)

submitted by /u/Sufficient-Energy902
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