September 23rd, 2022: Sun Conjunct Mercury Rx

Sun conjunct Mercury Rx in Libra (0 deg)
Mercury Rx re-enters Virgo (8:04 am EDT)
The inferior conjunction between the Sun and Mercury is the halfway point of Mercury's retrograde. It can clarify the reasons behind certain delays or illuminate additional information about a relationship. Pay attention to what's revealed because this will be essential info that helps you correct an imbalance. You may see that something is tilting further in one direction than you realized. A conversation or message can clue you in to someone's motivations or reveal what's happening beneath the social surface.
Soon after, Mercury backs into Virgo. Be prepared for intensified questions and reviews of specific details. This energy encourages the most precise, granular approach to a situation that you can muster- zero in on the one thing that grabs your attention. Target that flaw (no matter how small) and correct it. Do not overlook the dry, mundane facts - they are the keys to your solution. You're meant to use what you learn from the Sun/Mercury conjunction and apply it here.
This is all happening on the boundary between Libra and Virgo so there's a sense of (temporarily) changing lanes or altering your viewpoint to get a more accurate understanding.
Mercury's return to Virgo will reactivate issues from Aug 24th-25th.
There's a Grand Air Trine coming up which presents a window of benefits and no resistance (provided you work with the energies of course). Check out the details in my Patreon-only post for the $1 tier. You can pledge month to month or pledge for 1 year and get 2 months free.
Engraving by Albrecht Dürer: Wikimedia Commons
from Blog - Ruby Slipper Astrology
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