Libra season, Happy Mabon,

MABON ALTAR Bigbear213, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

HAPPY EQUINOX /MABON One of the 4 major turning points in the year.

Equinox, how to balance during intense times

The 2nd Equinox of the year is here as day and night are equal. The SUN enters the sign of LIBRA which marks Autumn’s beginning here in the Northern Hemisphere and Spring down under.  

The EQUINOX the only one of two days in the year to have equal day and night. This is so important when you think about it. Everywhere on earth there is the same amount of light and darkness today. It is the start of Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and Spring in the Southern. The days are getting shorter here in the North and we are in the Feminine yin time of year. We are going into the death and sleep part of the natural year here in the North while our southern neighbors will begin to see spring. 

A number of festivals in different major religions are being celebrated as well starting on yesterday’s New moon. It is the Jewish New Year 5778 years. It also coincides with Islamic New Year which is rare. To all my family friends and clients Happy New Year.

Happy MABON Wiccan Pagan Celtic Ancient 8 wheel of the year turning point. The third major season in a Natural Year starts with Spring. This is the element of AIR, detachment, communications-while Mercury is Retrograde at 0 degrees LIBRA conjunct the SUN a few hours after Equinox/

It’s LIBRA TIME. This is one of the Major Cardinal turning points of the year. 

LIBRA is the sign of RELATIONSHIPS marriage traditionally. It is the sign of Karmic JUSTICE in the TAROT #8 begins the next three months journey. 

It’s very important to focus on walking a balanced life in all ways: in our spiritual mental emotional and physical ways. Examine what you need to bring more balance into your life.It’s a pleasant socializing time. Up here in the North, as it gets colder and darker socializing is what helped our ancestors to stay alive. Get out and communicate network and engage. Libra is ruled by VENUS and she is in diligent Virgo where she practical earthy organizing working and paying attention to health community pets and perfection. This is a good time to start yoga or change your diet as the seasons change. Venus in Virgo’s shadow is criticism. The need for balancing this is vital now.

his is one of the most powerful of the 4 CARDINAL entry points in the year and it marks the conditions for the next three months. It’s important to study the Sun’s entry into LIBRA at 6:04 pm PDT/ 9:04 pm EDT/ September 23 at 1:04 am GMT.

Physically, and spiritually this day marks the balance and necessary complementary polarity of all things in this Universe,  day, night, yin, yang, and positive and negative. 

Autumn Equinox is called MABON in the pagan tradition.  So Happy MABON, corn dollies are made and thanksgiving for the harvest. 

AUTUMN begins in the Northern Hemisphere and SPRING in the Southern Hemisphere. It is the WESTERLY pole of the 2 days of complete Balance between day and night in the entire year.


LIbra the constellation, not to be confused with the SIGN of Libra was associated in Antiquity with the Egyptian Goddess of JUSTICE -MAAT


Weighs the heart against her ostrich feather in the Hall of Judgement After death

After death the heart of the deceased was weighed against her pure white ostrich feather diadem. If one’s heart was heavier than her feather, then the deceased would return to life on earth until one’s heart was light, balanced with no regrets.

I always loved that story.

this is MABON, in Celtic nature celebrations. A great time to honor this change in seasons with a ceremony. Create an altar and put fruits and leaves as gratitude. Use fall colors and say prayers and intentions for what you will create over the next quarter.

Famous, and rightly so Indian yogi YOGANANDA stated that the best time to start practicing meditation was on Libra Equinox or Aries equinox.

What was born at spring as a seed, an idea, has grown to fruition, seeded itself again and is ready to be harvested and then die to be returned to the earth for renewal, to feed new life next Spring, and on and on. Think about where you were 6 months ago. What has transpired in your life?

I led a lovely Spring Equinocsceremony at Lake Ontario because my son Elijah asked me to because he knows doing rituals is what I love. There is a photograph od it on my Instagram account from March 20. We had a lovely gathering of friends and friends of friends as our cat Gala was dying. She died after midnight on March 21.

LIBRA is the sign of relationships, the 7th house marriage traditionally in Astrology

LIBRA is ruled by the Goddess of LOVE VENUS of course,

Where is VENUS in your natal chart? Where is the sign of LIBRA?  What does your 7th house of marriage/committed relationships hold or lacks planetary energy?

is a power GATE, one of the 4 main CARDINAL gates of the year.

 We are entering the Time of increasing DARKNESS here in the NORTH. I will have to be a NORTHIST here and speak of the Northern Hemisphere which I am more familiar with.

AUTUMN EQUINOX marks the start of deepening and entering into the DEEP FEMININE dark and mysterious months aheadThis is a time of hibernation, rest and reflection as Nature sleeps until spring awakens life again.

A time to tune into our dreams much more especially when JUPITER re-enters PISCES the sign it rules from October 27/28 until December 20 the day before the Winter solstice Capricorn ingress point. I will be doing an 8 week online DREAM HEALING TEMPLE course. Stay tuned for that. $222 for the 8 week live course.

LIBRA EQUINOX celebrates the marriage and equality of all and the complementary polarities.

Celebrate the integration of the Masculine into the Feminine and vice versa.

It’s Sacred MARRIAGE time.

At Autumn Equinox we give thanks to the Sun and the EARTH and for the harvest of foods that will help us survive the long cold bare Winter months. We welcome the beautiful colours of leaves magically metamorphosing from green to orange, gold, yellow, red, and brown. autumn. We frolic in the mounds of soft crunchy leaves. We honor change, life, and death.  

We surrender what no longer serves us, we surrender to old age, to letting go, to facing death as a necessary part of life, another pregnancy. We face the unknown of the harsh months of winter coming. We pray that we and our loved ones will be kept safe and sound by the Love and Blessings of the Goddess, that we may survive to see the birth of the LIGHT at Winter Solstice.

Make new intentions now. Three months till Dec 21, WINTER SOLSTICE, A trimester. 


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from Tara Greene,Tarot Reader, Astrology Psychic


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