Are Houses even necessary in the Whole Sign House system?

As the title suggests, I'm a little condused as to why the House system even exists in the WSH system. My point being that the Houses (1-12) are no different from the order of the signs (1-12), meaning that no matter which chart you look at, the first sign and everything therein will pertain to the persons sense of self and outward appearance and so on. Therefore, defining that area as the 1st house seems purely aesthetic to me and lacks value, as it is already a part of the eastern rising zodiac. This in turn makes it kind of silly to bring up Houses as part of the "big 4" topics of astrology, being Signs, Aspects, Planets, and Houses.

I don't really know that much about the methods and systems used in astrological tools and techniques, so I can't really articulate the problem better, I just feel that systems like Placidus makes Houses different from the Signs and therefore worth it to differentiate them into two topics.

Speaking mostly to astrologers using WSH, are houses actually worth talking about as a different topic other than including their descriptions into the prevalent Signs? Why/How do you do that?

TL;DR Houses are no different from the order of the Signs in WSH and doesn't make sense to be its own topic, and I would like to know why houses are used in WSH astrology and not just incorporated into the Signs' order of appearance.

submitted by /u/DjTorchic
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