March 28th, 2022: Venus Conjunct Saturn

  • Venus in Aquarius conjunct Juno and Saturn (21 deg)

  • Neptune in Pisces trine the Scorpio South Node (23 deg)

Venus with Juno/Saturn can mean a solid relationship commitment that involves a formal agreement. Aquarius suggests there's something a bit unusual about this, or the relationship is connected to the collective/social currents. The vibe is cool-this feels like a union where independence is strong and may be one of the binding factors.  This could be platonic or romantic. Boundaries are essential - this is not about merging so much as two, free entities agreeing to join forces. 

Alternatively, you could be confronted by social responsibilities and rules around what you want. Before you can go any further, you must sign the contract or agree to the rules. 

Neptune trine the South Node can make the path to the past quite slippery. It will feel effortless as you slide back into deep nostalgia, old addictions/obsessions or power issues. But Neptune also enables release - as you feel the pull backwards, consider what you need to let go of and then release. Loosen your grip on the secrets. Turn away from the obsession. Sometimes it's more difficult to "just" let go than to take action, but that's the deal here. There's no struggle, nothing more to do. It's time to move on and this is reinforced by the Venus/Juno/Saturn conjunction - a defined new beginning. 

Note that Venus rules the Taurus North Node (the future) so your path forward can be solidified if you turn to face the future. 

Painting by Gustave Moreau: Wikimedia commons

from Blog - Ruby Slipper Astrology


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