Aries Season Begins

Painting by Thomas Cooper Gotch: Wikimedia Commons

The Sun enters Aries on March 20th at 11:33 am EDT. This is the Spring Equinox - the hours of daylight and darkness are equal, with the balance tipping towards longer days as we move forward. 

"Forward" is the key word- Aries is about initiative, action and courage. This is the season to start fresh. Tune into that sense of restlessness - follow your instincts without analyzing every move. Raw passion is essential for activating certain scenarios and gaining momentum that carries you through. The newborn has to be aggressive if it wants to survive. This can also be a celebration- in the eternal dance of life and death, we're at the point of new life. 

If there was ever a time to start something, this is it. Plant seeds. Spark something. Follow an impulse. There are no guarantees that everything will stick but if you don't start, nothing will stick. Working with astrological influences means taking advantage of potent moments like the Equinox. 

 Aries is known for a bluntness and childlike expressions because there's no time for deep analysis, manipulations or superficiality. New life is urgent, fast-moving and joyful. 

Having said all this, Aries season will begin with the Sun's Waning Inconjunct to the Scorpio Moon (0 deg). In the monthly lunar cycle this is an adjustment that needs to happen to the results of the Full Moon (March 18th). Underneath the heat and urgency of Aries there will be a reminder to slow down and attend to hidden matters. Secrets, taboo issues, power or what's dying cannot be ignored. You'd probably like to ignore these things but the Waning Inconjunct demands an adjustment between both energies- as you surge forward, purge what's rotting or expose what's hidden or acknowledge the power behind the scenes. 

Here are the aspects the Sun will make:

Apr 1st: Aries New Moon (11 deg)

Apr 16th: Libra Full Moon (26 deg)

from Blog - Ruby Slipper Astrology


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