April 1st, 2022: Aries New Moon

Painting by Fernando Yáñez de la Almedina: Wikimedia Commons
The Aries New Moon (11 deg) happens at 2:24 am EDT. It conjoins Mercury and Chiron at 9 and 12 deg respectively.
The is the courageous start that involves bluntly putting the wound (Chiron) into words (Mercury). You're starting off in an uncomfortable place - maybe you feel weak or exposed. Maybe you're being pushed forward and it feels too quick. Or, perhaps you're doing the pushing.
In some way a sore spot is right there and it needs to be openly discussed. The bold new chapter gets its fuel from the pain. It's time to say the words that no one wants to hear - just get them out there. When you're dealing with the wound right out of the gate, what else is there to fear? Nothing. This could be the moment you decide to tackle the thing you've been avoiding by giving it a name. Or, you receive the painful message but you know what? It's a relief because you step into the pain, your eyes are open and you just keep going because it doesn't have any power over you. You've named it and you have nothing to hide.
The most courageous individuals acknowledge what hurts - there's a mix of strength and empathy in these people. For some, this New Moon can signal leadership - Chiron often draws others in because they sense wisdom and healing.
Also today Juno in Aquarius squares the Scorpio South Node/Taurus North Node (23 deg). The relationship contract brings you to a crossroads - will you agree to move forward or will you stick with the old contract/habits? The South Node is the past - heavy secrets, power plays, obsessions. The North Node is the future - solidify, simplify, work on building rather than tearing down. Juno in Aquarius can be a public agreement or a contract that involves detachment and individuality. Both parties need to be in agreement about how to proceed, so this can be a moment when you both move backwards, you both move forwards or (if only person wants to progress) the agreement is broken.
It will be tense because squares to the Nodes are not easy. The New Moon encourages a frank discussion about which way things are going.
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