Mercury Leaves Its Shadow Zone at 11 Aquarius To Coordinate the Future
by Robert Wilkinson Today, February 23, around 4 pm PST, Mercury leaves its “Shadow Zone” and moves into the future. What does this mean? Yes, this is the THIRD planetary movement into or out of its “shadow zone” in the past few days. As I told you in those other articles, for those who don’t know the term, a planet’s “Shadow Zone” is the span of degrees between the point it goes stationary retrograde back to where it goes stationary direct. When a planet which was retrograde goes direct, it moves across the same span of degrees it did when retrograde. That is the Shadow Zone. Mercury went SRX at 11 Aquarius on January 14. It retrograded back to 25 Capricorn, where it went direct February 3. It’s now in forward motion and about to leave the boundary of its shadow zone at 11 Aquarius. As Mercury, “the Guide of Souls” and coordinator of our Life is now speeding up, we can expect all things related to Mercury to speed up as well for the next few weeks. This year, Mercury was the first planet to transit this part of late Capricorn and early Aquarius. It was followed by the Sun, with Venus and Mars moving through late Capricorn and early Aquarius at the end of February and half of March. So this year the end of Capricorn through the first decan of Aquarius will stay active through the March Equinox! Now Mercury moves forward through the rest of Aquarius and into Pisces, Aries, Taurus, and early Gemini, where it goes retrograde again in mid-May. For now, “the Guide of Souls” is going to take us through the signs of a greater managed contribution to a vision, closure, initiation, and stabilization and will wind up in a place of discovery, close to where Venus went SD in June 2020/ As Mercury leaves its Shadow Zone, it now can bring us a synthesized integrated overview of what we’ve just been through, and having found inspiration, can now take those ideas into a clearer understanding of the emergent Aquarian energies taking shape last year and this year. Now we have a new view so that our ideas can “catch up” with our life, likes, and initiatives. From here, Mercury will speed up until it catches up to the Sun at the next Superior Conjunction at 14 Aries on April 2. That will be an extraordinarily “fateful” conjunction since it will septile the forming Mars conjunct Saturn at that time, promising that April and May will be a time of hard edged choices and change. So enjoy the quickened pace, which should help many areas of our lives move forward in fine style. As usual, I’ll be writing more about Mercury’s Superior Conjunction with the Sun in late March, as well as the very important aspects going on at that time. We now have reviewed and reflected on many things about our Aquarian involvements, and prepare for another understanding of the Transfiguration Zone” in late Aquarius to be applied in the first half of April when Venus and then Mars transit that zone. All the Mercury retrograde periods of 2021 were in middle and late Air signs, furthering the 20 year Aquarian pulses set into motion between December 2020 and February 2021. We now understand more about the emerging Aquarian energies due to the February 2021 Aquarius retrograde; we now understand more about the diversity with which we can express those energies due to the June retrograde; and the October retrograde brought us our final exams in how best to use the combination of soft power and hard power, heart and mind, love and will, in an oscillating way to synthesize the greater truths of Aquarius. This one gave us a new inspiration and a different look at our connection with our Higher Power. The Guide of Souls takes us forward from here, into the broad view of Aquarius, the deep experiences of connectedness in Pisces, the intense initiative of Aries, the calm stability of Taurus, and the discoveries to come in Gemini. Welcome to the Winter and Spring of 2022! Copyright © 2022 Robert Wilkinson
from Aquarius Papers - Global Astrology
from Aquarius Papers - Global Astrology
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