November 30th, 2021: Pride And Pain, Reality And Magic

  • Sagittarius Sun trine Chiron Rx in Aries (8 deg)

  • Sun/Mercury sextile Saturn in Aquarius (8 deg)

  • Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune Rx in Pisces (20 deg)

Sun/Chiron says that pride can harmonize with pain. You are empowered if you integrate what hurts into your journey - the heat of the wound is part of you and strengthens your faith and wisdom. Turn to face the future as you carry your pain forward with compassion for yourself and empathy for others. 

Sun/Mercury sextile Saturn adds a touch of restraint and focus to the above- keep your eyes on the horizon and remind yourself what you stand for. You can be optimistic and disciplined - the two states are not mutually exclusive. Take responsibility for your beliefs and declarations. 

Venus/Neptune softens concrete expressions of love/affection/money while giving you the tools to manifest a dream. There's an opportunity to make something real without sacrificing compassion and creativity. Here is the understanding that anything worthwhile takes work and commitment, but the preservation of gentle magic can be included. You transcend reality while keeping it in sight. 

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Painting by Maximilian Lenz (Wikimedia Commons)

from Blog - Ruby Slipper Astrology


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