November 29th, 2021: An Easier Day

Waning Sextile between the Libra Moon and Sagittarius Sun (7 deg)
Mercury in Sagittarius trine Chiron Rx in Aries (8 deg)
Mars in Scorpio trine Neptune Rx in Pisces (20 deg)
Today's harmonious aspects encourage you to do and say what feels natural.
The Waning Sextile is an opportunity to progress via the weighing of hopes and ideals. Rather than charging forward on your own, cooperate with someone or harmonize your drive for freedom with someone else's needs. You can do more and go further with a balanced approach.
Mercury/Chiron says that it's ok to talk about what hurts. The urge to be open about
painful issue should be honoured- approaching a touchy area with open mindedness and a view to the future will help you access the healing side of Chiron. There is no shame in feeling weak or frightened- blunt honesty mixed with optimism is key.
Mars/Neptune gives actions the ability to ease past all barriers. This isn't about brute force - use the intensity and access the courage to just let go. Accept that you cannot control this and in no way does this weaken you. Allow yourself to flow in the direction you're being pulled towards. Relax and watch your will intensify. This can enable deep healing, compassion and intimacy.
Painting by Jacek Malczewski (Wikimedia Commons)
from Blog - Ruby Slipper Astrology
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