November 1st, 2021: Hope

  • Mercury in Libra trine Jupiter in Aquarius (22 deg)

  • Scorpio Sun trine Pallas Rx in Pisces (9 deg)

  • Sun inconjunct Chiron Rx in Aries (9 deg)

Mercury/Jupiter makes for hopeful and lively conversations. Everything looks a bit brighter as future possibilities are discussed and information is exchanged in a light, harmonious manner. For some, there can be an opportunity that was previously discussed on Sept 20th and Oct 3rd (but was delayed due to Mercury Rx). Now is the time to say it, write it or consider new ideas because the overall vibe is very positive. This is the aspect of the graceful teacher or charming preacher. 

Aspects to the Sun encourage a creative strategy while hi-lighting a painful subject. Deeper awareness includes the activation of a wound (Chiron) and this could make you vulnerable - perhaps you try to hide in an attempt to gain control of the pain. Confrontation is your best strategy - know that being wounded doesn't negate your strength, as long as you're honest about what's happening. And Sun/Pallas means compassion and healing are easily accessible if you embrace strategies that are intuitive and non-linear. See what happens if you lean into the pain rather than fighting it. 

And, you've got Mercury/Jupiter right there so you're encouraged to share your issues with another or do some exploration on your own about new ways to tackle what hurts. Learn all you can and see where it takes you. 

Painting by Fernand Khnopff (Wikimedia Commons)

from Blog - Ruby Slipper Astrology


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