Galactic Halloween love Venus Conjunct Juno

This is a very beautiful, powerfully intense GALACTIC CENTER POWERHOUSE OF GODDESS COSMIC YONIVERSE energy for receiving profound transformation using the Divine Genius of JUNO and the beauty of VENUS together which only happens less than once a year. Transform your love life.

Yes, you do have both qualities, Beauty and brains, the best combo.  Now is the time to connect to them.

JUNO, yes they have theatrical Juno awards in Canada and a famous movie of the same name.

JUNO /HERA and VENUS/ APHRODITE are both connected with relationships specifically. They were the only two Goddesses who were legally married. This tells us that the myths we know of are latter-day patriarchal versions of the Goddesses. Legal marriage was instituted by the Greeks. These Goddesses are as ancient as human consciousness. Lets’ get back to their origins.

The Hera/JUNO we are most familiar with her comes from a, watered-down version of the Great Goddess who once reigned supreme, but who was married off to Zeus. She had to put up with his cheating ways. Goddesses took consorts not husbands in the ancient days. They usually married their brothers and Hera and Zeus were siblings. JUNO symbolizes the desire for a mystical union in the sanctified solemnity of Marriage vows.

JUNO’s symbol is the peacock whose thousand-eyed tail feathers symbolize seeing in all dimensions at once. The peacock is also a symbol of royal beauty. The male bird spreads out his beautiful tail feathers to attract the female’s acceptance. He knows he has to show his desirability and worthiness to her before she will mate with him. That’s the way it always has been.

Juno’s symbol is an 8-armed glyph with a cross of the elements beneath it. This symbolizes her multi-tasking energy which is what women by necessity, do best. JUNO is the symbol for Feminine Genius. The term “genius” being specifically for masculine brain power only. I believe that is her original meaning.

VENUS as you all know is the Goddess symbolizing all women, all feminine energies. She is love, beauty, female sexuality, luxury, sensuality and the arts.



Get out your peacock feathers and your finest jewelry and make yourself up. Wear something elaborately decorated which makes you feel like a Queen to embody this regal duo within you.

Create a beautiful altar with offerings of flowers, pomegranates for Scorpio, sensual incense and delicious sweets, chocolates of course, to feed these GODDESSES and yourself after the ritual.Call upon VENUS, the Goddess of love, beauty, sexuality, luxury, and romance

Light two candles-a blue one for Juno and a green one for Venus.

Call these two goddesses to come to you, Offer them the fruits and chocolates. Then call upon JUNO to help you tap into your own Feminine Wisdom. You may feel insecure about owning your own smarts. Call upon SOPHIA another variation on the Feminine Principle of wisdom.

Ask to have Juno’s ability to see in all directions at once. To know your own brand of genius. The word genius and genie stem from the same source. Be your own genie in a bottle. Grant your own wishes.

Honor your gifts as a woman to stand up for your own way of being and feelings in the world from a uniquely feminine deep soul womb energy.

Send your prayers to the Goddess to bring your sexuality into full power, to bless your womb with health, to honor your own genius. If you wish to dedicate yourself to a committed partnership or marriage this is what you ask for. You need to feel worthy, balanced, strong, and courageous enough to go through the transformative soul love of a true union.

Sit in meditation or spontaneously dance to the Goddess. Wait till you feel a connection, a shiver up your spine, a feeling of ecstasy and freedom. Each woman feels her own connection to the Divine within in her own way. You may feel the Goddess bring you a spontaneous orgasm, releasing Kundalini energy. Trust, have faith. Your sincere offerings intentions and prayers will be answered.

jOIN ME LIVE FOR a free event TO HELP HEAL THE WORLD Nov. 1 at 12:00 am EDT

Sacred Sistars, In these turbulent times of awakening, i have received a message from spirit that all women with wombs and those with spirit wombs must meditate en mass November 1st 12:00 am EDT The Day of the Dead, Samhain, the Witches New Year when the veils between the worlds are thinnest and our ancestors are closest to us. Our ancestors want us to succeed and thrive, they gave their life blood, sweat and tears of joy and pain for us to be alive now and carry their genes and wisdom forward. Their intuitive spiritual wisdom contains gifts that they may offer to us to strengthen us now if we only ask in the right way with humility, reverence and respect for all traditions. Ancestors in spirit see no differences in creeds races or religions. Hollywood and popular culture programs everyone but also gives the keys to conquer if we know how to read the signs and symbols. That is karmic law. 9/11 was shown coming down in ‘Sci-fi” films before it happened. That was a reveal. They Live is also a great John Carpenter film showing what is going on. Sci-fi is one of the biggest archetypal carriers of these projections. the MATRIX one of the most popular modern Sci-Fi films is archetypal and exists on many levels. THE MATRIX means WOMB, our inherent feminine power to join our wombs and hearts together using the Luminous Structure technique,- I will explain what this is-, to stop invasive A1 Transhumanist world domination.

Our wombs are the most powerful and most spiritual organs in existence, the only place where souls can land into the physical plane. The “great Re-set” intent is to destroy America first which affects all of us, and as you can see all of humanity, especially women and our wombs and nature. Only women can block and change the heinous NWO energies going on in the world. I realized the symbolism of DUNE right now is synchronicity The Bene Gesserit matriarchs use “The VOICE”, to command anyone to do their bidding. This is a gift that we too know but must access from the ancestors in spirit to help us speak with that inner authority and sovereignty. To just say NO- to bein annihilated. Whether you are aware of what is going on or not and I will not go into divisive politics or agendas it affects all of us, and even if you will be asleep when my colleague Maureen Walton and I lead this meditation we need your intent and support. The world is sitting on a very precarious knife-edge right now.

Please join us at midnight on November 1st 12:00 am EDT on my YOUTUBE channel. Maureen has been handed the ancient Qu’ero indigenous people of Peru’s ancient Luminous Structure Meditation by which women can self-conceive anything. Everyone knows and accepts this -Jesus was born by divine conception or Virgin parthenogenesis. Most Greek heroines and heroes were born this way as were more recent local Indigenous peoples, native to this area where Toronto is located, between Belleville and Lake Erie only hundreds of years in the past. The LS joins heart -the masculine and the womb-the feminine and the Suns and Earth’s toroidal magnetic energy fields. Maureen will lead you in this meditation and I will take you further into a deeper meditation with the Matriarchal Mothers and cosmic beings who called upon me to offer this so that we can remember our sacred sovereign power and who know the Command Voice. The Current Solar flare which will be hitting earth October 29/30 is also advantageous as it alters the Electromagnetic frequencies in our bodies and on the earth. We can use this to greatly amp up our power. Plus Venus and Juno are conjunct on the Galactic Center the Mayans yoniverse cosmic womb portal! If you are interested please join our private Organic Womb technology Group on FB

If you would like to work with JUNO and VENUS’s energies in your own Natal Birth Chart or to have help with any relationship issues. I would be honored to assist you in discovering your own Genius and Beauty. Please go to

from Tara Greene,Tarot Reader, Astrology Psychic


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