September 30th, 2021: Venus Square Jupiter

  • Venus in Scorpio square Jupiter Rx in Aquarius (22 deg)

Venus in Scorpio is all or nothing regarding relationships, money or values. With a hard square to Jupiter there can be immense exaggeration regarding what you want, love or spend. There's a sense of more is better so why not go all the way. Dissatisfaction with what you have can stir up intense urges. 

Pleasure can be profound but you can easily take things too far. When dipping into Scorpio's shadows, more than anticipated can emerge. Besides expansion, Jupiter signifies legal matters, ethics and beliefs so this can be about the reveal of a secret that challenges these things. Sometimes even desirable things can stir up tension. Ethics around what you want can reach a crisis point. 

The retrograde energy means you're returning to something. This isn't brand new so use what you've already learned and apply it to current lessons. If you're tempted to push those limits, think about the possible consequences. 

In some instances this could signify a big win. But even so, there will be a challenge to ethics or a feeling of too much.

Photo by Ben Mack from Pexels

from Blog - Ruby Slipper Astrology


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