September 29th, 2021: Best Of Both Worlds

  • Libra Sun trine Saturn Rx in Aquarius (6 deg)

  • Venus in Scorpio trine Neptune Rx in Pisces (21 deg)

Sun/Saturn is balanced reality, There's a limit but you can handle it because in some way it's integrated with your current situation. Relationships are sober and supportive. Social contacts are "correct." If you play by the rules you'll find your purpose is confirmed and focus is defined. This aspect is part of the current Grand Air Trine.

In contrast to the above, Venus/Neptune offers a dose of dreams or escape. Relationships, values or money intensify- you want it all or want to give all. Neptune dissolves limits so you can immerse yourself totally. This is unconditional, deeply healing or deeply delusional - the ease of the trine means you can slip into something with no resistance to slow you down. 

Fortunately, Sun/Saturn is the cool reminder that you must hold back or keep your eye on responsibilities.  Yes you can give or love or dream past the usual limits but there's a law you must obey. You cannot forget about that commitment. 

Overall, when these two aspects occur simultaneously you have the best of both worlds - compassion/transcendence and responsibility. 

Painting by Arent de Gelder (Wikimedia Commons)

from Blog - Ruby Slipper Astrology


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