October 1st, 2021: The Real You

  • Waning Sextile between the Leo Moon and Libra Sun (8 deg)

  • Sun trine Black Moon Lilith in Gemini (8 deg)

  • Mercury Rx in Libra square Pluto Rx in Capricorn (24 deg)

  • Mars in Libra opposite Chiron Rx in Aries (10 deg)

The Waning Sextile encourages forward movement via creative self-expression. While it's important to remain balanced and cooperative, there's something that's ready for the spotlight- something you're proud of, something you've created, something that makes you special. You can celebrate this with others and the Sun's trine to BML gives it an edge as controversial choices/info (about women's power) are easily integrated. You don't have to play it totally safe- there's room for a small risk. Don't hide your true self. 

Sun/BML is part of the current Grand Air Trine. 

However, you'll still be dealing with some tension today. The Mercury/Pluto square reactivates issues from September 22nd (the first square when Mercury was direct). You're going back to that edgy conversation or suspicion that there's more beneath the surface. Be on guard for manipulation- compliments and socially correct discourse can hide something darker. Attempts to gloss over an unpalatable truth will be unsuccessful (the truth always emerges). Statements/thoughts may swing between two extremes- find the balance and don't get sucked into the drama. 

Adding to the discomfort, the Mars/Chiron opposition signals a painful culmination. Again we have the contrast between what's polite/pleasant (Libra) versus what's not (Chiron). In this case, actions will be trigger wounds even as you try to play nice. And it may be resentment over being taken advantage of or not expressing anger that triggers this pain. 

You can't avoid what hurts. Watch for where you feel physically unbalanced - giving too much or holding back for fear of displeasing someone. Balance can be achieved by openly acknowledging the wound-perhaps you're accepting that what you need to do means some people just won't like you. Sometimes you try so hard to walk that line and make everyone happy, then discover that you've compromised yourself (and someone is still unhappy). 

The "battle" will not be fought in a typical way (direct aggression will make it worse) but you will need to stand up for yourself or take a definitive step in a certain direction, even if it makes you uncomfortable.

This brings us back to the Waning Sextile- shine your light. Push for the truth, even if others don't want to hear it. Your people will appreciate your honesty and cooperate with the real you. 

Painting by Albert Edelfelt (Wikimedia Commons)

from Blog - Ruby Slipper Astrology https://ift.tt/3oBEh4D


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