Monthly One Card Tarot Reading For October 2021

Monthly One Card Tarot Reading For October 2021

Your October 2021 monthly one card tarot reading for all zodiac signs is here with a prediction for the next 31 days.

October 2021 monthly one card tarot reading for all zodiac signs:

What an interesting line up of tarot cards we have here, displayed for us during the month of October.

From the look of it, we are all somewhat on the verge of major change - or, we need it so badly that the fates will have us moving so briskly into that change that our heads will be spinning.

There is some resistance here; many of us have been thinking of change since the beginning of the year and yet, we've done nothing about it.

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October brings that fresh new attitude with it, the one that says, "DO IT." No punches pulled, just a distinct order from the Oracle itself: Just do it.

The year is winding up and beginning its final descent - we can feel the tug, and that tug is all about being productive.

Laziness no longer has a place in our lives, and it's definitely time to grab the bull by its horns and make what we will out of our lives.

With October comes progress. This is where we manifest the intentions we set earlier in the year. This is the time where we get down to business and start making something of ourselves.

What do the cards say for your sign of the Zodiac?

October 2021 Monthly one card tarot reading:

Aries (March 21 - April 19): Nine of Cups, reversed

October is filled with love and emotion, Aries - and while you may not always have the patience to wait for it, it is still part and parcel of your destiny. You will still have love and it will be shown to you abundantly.

The nature of a nine card in reverse depicts your impatience, and what you need to work on, during the month, is exactly that: trusting in the process while knowing that everything will work out.

You may be tempted to ruin things, simply because you cannot wait your turn; your particular brand of impatience can bring about self-destruction if you're not careful, so do yourself an obvious good turn, Aries, and hang tight while love makes its way to you. It will, and you will be overjoyed. This is a month of fulfillment for you, Aries. Enjoy it.

RELATED: What Makes Aries Annoying?

Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Two of Wands

Big decisions are coming your way, and by the look of it, you will choose wisely which will enable you to benefit from them. You will be ready to walk into the most positive situation you've had in a long, long while, Taurus, and we applaud you for being so brave.

You will be taking on some heavy responsibility, which may scare you at first, however, the Two of Wands says there is nothing you can't tackle, and the more you take on, the more you will surprise yourself over how good you are at this kind of personal progress.

If you reach for the stars, you will have them in your hand - it's all about your intention. Keep your head up and your hopes high - it will be worth it.

RELATED: Why Are Taurus So Hard To Love?

Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Page of Pentacles

The sky is the limit for you this month, Gemini - but that all depends on your personal take. Do you see this month as promising - or is your perception that which makes everything seem bleak and lackluster? This one is up to you.

The Page of Pentacles card shows potential, but it's an equal opportunity kind of potential, meaning it could either way, depending on the kind of power you give it.

Will you steer yourself into something amazing and productive, or will you fall back into old beliefs that nothing good can come of anything you do? Go for the positive, Gemini - take this on yourself and make it real. Assume it will all go well, and you will see your dreams come true. This one's on you - you can do it!

RELATED: Why Are Gemini So Stubborn?

Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Seven of Wands, reversed

The month of October may come with a few false starts, and you'll be reeling, trying to get your bearings. What's happened is that you started something based on the wrong information - the reversed nature of this tarot card speaks of the wrong direction.

You ignored previous warnings and now you have to deal with something that isn't exactly what you wanted. However, you can reverse your direction and start anew because you actually DO know what you want; you just went about it in the wrong way and now you have to backpedal a bit just to get on track.

There's nothing here that's permanent in the mistake department. It's just about re-routing your direction and your energy. You'll be fine.

RELATED: Why Are Cancers So Smart?

Leo (July 23 - August 22): King of Cups

Well, it looks like someone has one the Love Lottery this month, Leo, and yes, it's you you you. Whatever you have been doing, it's working. People love you - they want you, and they want to be involved in whatever you suggest.

This is a broad range of 'attraction' and will cross over into career and finance, as well as back home in the love department. October is an exciting month for you, and it also works on that theatrical side of your passion; Halloween means FUN, it is something to look forward to, to plan for.

Anything of a theatrical nature appeals to you, and the entire 'vibe' of October spells thrills and chills for you. Expect parties and get togethers, where you will get to be your charming, vivacious self.

RELATED: What Makes Leo Annoying?

Virgo (August

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