Horoscope For The Month Of October 2021

Horoscope For The Month Of October 2021

Your zodiac sign's horoscope for the month of October is here with an astrology prediction. Here's what the stars have in store for you.

Bang-Zoom, to the Moon, Alice - boy oh boy do we have transits this month.

Right at the top, we're entering October with Mercury Retrograde, which never seems to get the kind of applause as just about anything to do with Venus in ANYTHING, or a Full Moon in say, Aries, which will drop by on October 20.

We have the New Moon in Libra, on October 6, and we're still traveling in Libra until the 23rd when we switch into Scorpio.

We're also looking at Mercury Retrograde in Libra, which only lasts until October 16th, thankfully. Let's put it this way: the first half of October is going to be all about making mistakes, speaking out of turn, and getting slammed for it.

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This cosmic beating should prime us for Mars in Scorpio, which will rule our actions and activities at the end of the month. Alas, October always comes with promise; this is the month of Halloween, and in its way, it symbolizes the end of the year's beginning. It is official now: 2021 is starting its descent. Let's hope that descent isn't into madness!

What does October have in stores for your sign?

Horoscope for the month of October 2021:

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

October will usher in feelings of nostalgia and sentimentality for you, Aries. You will spend a portion of the month in memory, reliving the past, spending time celebrating the lives of people you've loved and still do love - perhaps you know people born in October that will have birthdays you'll be celebrating.

The general feel for the month, however, will revolve around planning for the future. New goals will be set in place, ones that you will feel confident about, and love makes an entrance as well - but subdued, private - nothing huge or boisterous...this might mean that quiet times are ahead, in all the best ways. Love waits - but it's not about showing it off, which means you will be required to show patience and discretion.

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Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

It's a big month of change for you, Taurus, as you can expect that change to look like a new move - or a new job. While newness and change aren't your most favorite conditions, there's just too much 'good stuff' going on in your life for you to back down.

Mercury Retrograde may put your initial plans off for the first two weeks, but come mid-month, you'll be off and running again. And yes, expect to change your location and possibly your job situation, too.

What October can offer you is a spiritual retreat and the success that comes with spiritual practice; as the year begins to wane, you can replenish with meditation and ritual. Now is the time when your mind is where you take solace.

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Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

October is the month where you start to take your health seriously. No, there is nothing to worry about, but there is the idea that you've been putting something off for months and months, and guess what?

It's time to end the procrastination and get on with the action. You have been experiencing frustration on the job front - Merc Retro doesn't help that either - yet, it's best to hang on and wait it out.

As they say, 'the waiting is the hardest part' but, the truth is, in your case, it's all going well - you just don't know it yet. Your entire month will have that frustrated flavor on it, but that is only because you are so concentrated on the one thing - if you can refocus that energy on to another interest - one that isn't job-related - then you'll have a better time of it.

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Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

This month brings out the witch in you, Cancer, and that means all is well in your world. By 'witch' we mean spiritual person - and in your case, we mean leader. This is the month where people will turn to you for guidance and leadership.

This is also the time when you concentrate on the home and home affairs. This could also mean starting a business from your home.

You may feel particularly emotional during this month - being in touch with those feelings is not over-indulgent, in fact, for you - it brings you closer to spirit. And anytime you feel connected to the earth and the cosmos is a good time for you, Cancer. This is a month of inner strength and clarity for you.

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Leo (July 23 - August 22)

The keyword of the month, for you, Leo, is pace. Pace yourself. Pace your actions. October will have you involved in many things, both work-related and home-related.

You will be seeing many people on a professional level, while spending quality time at home with loved ones, listening to their problems, and helping them to heal.

You are the healer, this month, Leo, but don't think that position is one anybody takes lightly; you are depended on, and that means the pressure is also on. The end of the month will have you feeling satisfied but tired. What you've done is good work, but now it's time to rest.

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Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

October may bring with it an unwanted debt; you need more money and something in September made that so. This means there will

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