Two fairly broad questions..

1) How to read a chart as a whole, collective, coherent story? So, I can look at someone's individual placements and understand it's meaning e.g. 7th house Chiron implications, Mercury in Gemini, and individual degrees. But when I read charts it's like I'm reading a manual instead of telling a story about the native. How can I best make these connections? Including and interpreting aspects, houses, signs and degrees altogether? Then making predictions based off of this...

2) What does it mean when astrologers use the phrases 'the ruler of the 4th in the 11th'? Or 'the ruler of the 10th in the 4th?'. I understand the '11th' in my first example refers to the 11th house but what about the first part?

Thank you so much :)

submitted by /u/imsadmostdays
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