The Saturnian Power of NO: A Methodology

Thanks to a user here, I came across the recently held Fresh Voices Astrology Summit this weekend. I didn’t join the talks live, but some of them are still up as is the case of Diana Rose Harper’s “The Saturnian Influence of NO”.

She talks about how we receive and give “NOs” throughout our lives. She invites us to dig deeper into the specific circumstances, physical reactions, and changes that come from giving/receiving a NO.

I see a lot of threads pop about about Saturn. About the return, about the nature and the character of this force. About the ongoing transits which have been understandably challenging for all of us.

I decided to make yet another Saturn thread because I resonated deeply with the speaker’s ideas, and specifically with her proposed “methodology”, which I think gives us an accessible but still in-depth pathway to explore our personal Saturn placements.

The exercise:

To understand the nature of the Saturnian NO in your chart, look at:

  1. Its house placement: it facilitates the negation

  2. The sign it’s in: it motivates the negation + leads to an affirmation

  3. Saturn’s rulership: additional motivations + possible affirmations

Example: (imaginary chart)

Human X has natal Saturn in the 7H in Aries. Their Aquarius placement is in the 5H, and Capricorn in the 4H.

  1. House: Saturn rejects flimsy, ambiguous and short-term relationships, partnerships, associations.

  2. Sign: Saturn wants X to take initiative in partnerships; to actively build, contribute to and maintain them.

  3. Rulership: Saturn denies relationships that disrespect X’s feeling of safety and comfort (4H) and inhibit their creative self-expression (5H).

I found this to be an incredible prompt for us to think about what Saturn denies, why it does that, and what it ultimately wants.

Would love to hear your placements and, of course, personal experiences!

Diana Rose Harper

submitted by /u/duascoisas
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