September 1st, 2021: Waning Sextile

  • Waning Sextile between the Cancer Moon and Virgo Sun (9 deg)

  • Mars in Virgo opposite Pallas Rx in Pisces (21 deg)

  • Saturn Rx in Aquarius trine Ceres in Gemini (8 deg)

The Waning Sextile encourages you to move on from the past by integrating feelings with practical solutions. What do you really need? There's room for improvement (clean it up, help them, help yourself) but it will be most effective when you factor in the feelings. Security will increase as you progress by making small fixes. "Clean and comfortable" is the theme.

Mars opposite Pallas pits focused actions against creative or compassionate strategies. You know what you have to do to make it right but you've arrived at a culmination - those actions conflict with the dream of what could be. Maybe your ambition is undermined by vague patterns. Maybe you're trying too hard. 

This is not a case of either/or. In any opposition you want balance which is achieved by locating the midpoint. Do it correctly and be precise, but don't force a strategy by making it aggressive. Pallas in Pisces fight the compassionate battle- she knows when to back off and when to go with the flow. 

Saturn/Ceres is focused nurturing that's a bit formal and detached. This is pure intellect so don't expect hugs. Rather, watch for a natural focus to emerge regarding what you can give life to or where you can find support. Parental issues (involving official documents or choices) may be featured. 

Saturn/Ceres is part of September’s Grand Air Trine I wrote about in Patreon (for the $1 tier).

Painting by Mikhail Nesterov (Wikimedia Commons)

from Blog - Ruby Slipper Astrology


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