August 31st, 2021: Sun Quincunx Saturn Rx
Virgo Sun inconjunct Saturn Rx in Aquarius (8 deg)
Here is a disconnect between self-expression/ego versus rules. In this case, self-expression manifests through service, making it right or doing something in a pure fashion. Perfection means pride (yes, Virgo can have an ego).
But those rules. Revisiting certain restrictions will create blockages, and the response to this incompatibility may involve trying even harder (to be the best) or giving up because you feel totally inadequate.
The trick with an inconjunct is to moderate both sides so they can work together. Don't give up (you can still make it better) but accept that you can only take this one so far. You will be blocked or delayed. Maybe others will overlook or criticize you. There's a feeling of desolation here - no one recognizes all your hard work. But so what? If you do this thing to the best of your ability you've done enough. This may not be your moment to shine but it is your moment to focus on what you have control over, with maturity and restraint.
Paintint by Pierre Puvis de Chavannes (Wikimedia Commons)
from Blog - Ruby Slipper Astrology
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