Robert Wilkinson July 2021 Talk on “Awakenings” About The Transfiguration of Humanity Now Happening

by Robert Wilkinson

Today we have the edited audio tracks of my recent interview by Michele Meiche on her internet radio show “Awakenings” where we discussed the major transfiguration humanity is currently going through, in anticipation of the “cosmic mutations” which will begin to come forth in October 2021. Today I have some audio tracks from that show.

The title of the talk was "The Great Transfiguration of 2021 - We're Entering Phases 2 and 3." This of course deals with the exciting global transfiguration going on, along with the emergence of "Cosmic Mutations" in our Aquarius sector in October thanks to Saturn. Of course we talked about other things as well, since we’ve transitioned out of a 200 year Earth era into a new 200 year Air era, with 2021 bringing an acceleration in our personal and collective evolution AND the appearance this Autumn of something not “born of local conditions,” the “Child born out of the Cosmic Egg” promising new mutations for everyone on Earth!

Because of the lag between the broadcast and the real time interactions, I can only record my end of the conversation. So at times you’ll hear a jump between topics, because I was asked a question and had to pivot to that subject. Sorry for the “jump cuts,” but it probably makes for a tighter interview since I also took out the dead air spots between questions and answers. Anyway, for your enjoyment, part of the discussion about the Great Transfiguration of 2021! The first track is over 16 minutes, while the second one is 19 minutes, making for 35 minutes of discussion about many things astrological and spiritual, so enjoy!

Robert Wilkinson Tallk on Awakenings 28 July2021 track 1

Robert Wilkinson Tallk on Awakenings 28 July2021 track 2

© Copyright 2021 Robert Wilkinson

from Aquarius Papers - Global Astrology


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