Olympic origin, Goddess Races and the Tarot
The history we’ve been taught is 99% lies. Talk about Colonization, originated in Patriarchy and the 1% who rewrote to suit their needs. The #Olympics were founded by female partheno- genesis priestesses who raced in honor of Hera.</strong> The Olympian Games started in The Heraean Games, dedicated to Goddess Hera, the queen of the Olympian gods, later Zeus’ wife, was the 1st official women’s athletic competition to be held in the Olympic stadium at Elis. The 6th century BC, games were held in the Olympic year itself, prior to the men’s games.

Minchiate card deck – Florence – 1860-1890 – Trumps – 10 MinchiA. Baragioli (editor), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
The 1st woman champion of the Olympics was Cynisca, A Spartan woman who won the four-horse chariot race twice, in 396 and 392 BC. She was honoured by a bronze statue of her with chariot and horses, “The Chariot” in Tarot #7 erected in the Temple of Zeus in Olympia. The statue had an inscription declaring that she was “the only woman in all Hellas to have won this crown”.
The ancient Olympic Games began in the year 776 BC, when Koroibos, a cook from the nearby city of Elis, won the stadion race, a 600 foot long race. Some literary traditions, this was the only athletic event of the games for the first 13 Olympic festivals or until 724 BC. From 776 BC, the Games were held at Olympia every four years for almost 12 centuries.
Contrary evidence, -WHICH IS ALWAYS THE REAL TRUTH-both literary and archaeological, suggests that the games may have existed at Olympia much earlier than this date, perhaps as early as the 10th or 9th century BC. A series of bronze tripods found at Olympia, some date to the 9th century BC, suggested that these tripods-famous for the TRIPLE GODDESS-HEKATE, or the Maiden, Mother, Chrone may have been prizes for some of the early events at Olympia
When you visit the Temple of Hera at Olympia, you’ll notice small vertical cuts on the columns of the east façade of Heraion. According to scholars, these cuts were made in ancient times to host the portraits of the young girls who had won running races in honour of Hera, Zeus’ wife, who was also worshipped in Olympia.
— Read on visitworldheritage.com/en/eu/heraia-the-womens-race-of-antiquity/04125c68-cdfd-4263-b8af-0d186949c43c
Read more about the original Olympic games https://www.penn.museum/sites/olympics/olympicorigins.shtml
from Tara Greene,Tarot Reader, Astrology Psychic https://ift.tt/379Vhoo
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