July 31st, 2021: Last Quarter Square And Ceres Into Gemini

Painting by Edwin Austin Abbey: King Lear, Act I, Scene I (Wikimedia Commons)
Third Quarter Square between the Taurus Moon and Leo Sun (8 deg)
Sun trine Juno Rx and the South Node in Sagittarius (8 deg)
Mercury in Leo trine Juno Rx
Ceres enters Gemini
The Last Quarter Square is the crisis between drama versus keeping it real. A situation has become heightened and it's time to pause, settle and regroup. Actually, you may be forced to slow down as you hit a wall and this can be frustrating. But no one can exist with their energy "up here" 24/7. Ground yourself in what you know is real. Turn your attention to the physical world- create peace by pulling back rather than putting it all on display.
The Sun and Mercury's trines to Juno Rx suggest that now can be a good time to review a relationship contract. Mutual creativity, pride and idealism are hi-lighted and the Sun's trine to the South Node makes it easy. This should have a natural flow and could involve something from the past. Don't hesitate to openly discuss the terms and offer some bolder ideas.
Ceres into Mercury-ruled Gemini encourages you to turn to a fresh source of information. Conversation is sustenance and social media can offer some surprisingly nurturing contacts. If you've been feeling hungry for something and food/hugs aren't filing the void, it's possible that your mind needs to be fed. Ceres in Gemini nurtures curiosity and the concept of duality- there's more than one way to care for someone or yourself.
Having said this, Gemini is also the sign of choices and Ceres is about the cycle of nurturing and loss. So this transit could be about only choosing discussions/information that are healthy - the informational equivalent of junk food and toxic substances needs to be purged. Maybe some contacts should be terminated.
Ceres stations Rx at 12 deg Gemini on October 8th, re-entering Taurus on December 21st.
from Blog - Ruby Slipper Astrology https://ift.tt/3777DxI
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