Monthly One Card Tarot Card Reading For July 1-31, 2021

Monthly One Card Tarot Card Reading For July 1-31, 2021

So much is happening during this month's one card tarot reading, and a lot is telling when you read your zodiac sign's predictions for July 1-31, 2021.

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To pull a single card and know that the interpretation of this card can cover the events of an entire month may seem farfetched, but that is exactly what divination is about.

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Cartomancy - the reading of magical cards allows us insight into, new perspective. What we have here is a point of view, made possible through divination.

Having done the cards for this month, we can see before us that we have a few mountains to move and that July may put us through our paces, so to speak.

The majority of the cards are work-related, and many of them suggest strife and an uphill battle. In fact, the battle is the main theme for July, according to the Tarot.

Now that we're walking into the second half of 2021, it's almost as if we expect instant brilliance and monumental change to occur; now that we have a taste of the non-pandemic life, we're all the more anxious to get our lives moving along. Setbacks will happen, be warned. Stay alert, stay sane.

Your Tarot reading for the month of July reads as such...

Monthly one card tarot reading, July 1-31, 2021:

Aries (March 21 - April 19): Page of Pentacles, reversed

This month is going to bring you the kind of energy that is both exciting and possibly dangerous to a degree. When we draw the Page of Pentacles, we are getting a signal from the universe that deals with irresponsibility and the kind of hubris that only belongs to the very hopeful.

What this could mean is that during July, you might find yourself in need of making an important decision.

What bugs you is that you don't want to decide - yet you have to. And as the old saying goes, you "cut off your nose to spite your face."

What this means is that, because you want no responsibility and even less involvement in whatever is coming, you foolishly make a decision based on impulse and childishness. The advice here is to think things through. Don't make July the month where you threw responsibility to the wind; stay on track and don't lose your cool.

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Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Five of Swords, reversed

It's back to work you go, and in this case - it's back to the drudgery of routine. What you don't realize is that routine is good, and it's something that keeps you in check; you're way too lazy a soul to not have a strict routine to abide by, and without discipline and order in your life, you're just the kind of person who could let it all go - and end up regretting it tremendously.

What July is about is getting used to a situation, more than likely a work situation. This isn't the time for rebellion, and you know it - which is probably why you want to rebel even more.

But those days are over, Taurus; you have to take your life seriously now - and that means show up on time, complete your tasks as ordered, and do the right thing for both you and those who are paying you to do so.

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Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Five of Pentacles

This month is about maintaining the status quo, Gemini, and if that doesn't sound too exciting, then think of it this way: You work hard - you get the money. You spend the money, and that makes you happy and lets you acquire 'things.'

The things make you very happy - because you're a Gemini, and Geminis love materialism. What's great about this kind of maintenance is that it's a change for you as you are generally careless when it comes to running your life in an orderly way.

Chaos has ruled you for so long that something like 'normalcy' must seem to you as a terribly boring state of being. That's where things change up, this month - this 'normal' that you reject? It's exactly what you need, and what you'll be creating for yourself. After all - what is normal?

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Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Eight of Pentacles, reversed

This is a month that is going to present you with two distinct feelings. One is that, financially, you're a mess, and two, creatively and spiritually - you're on top of the world.

It's a real face-to-face comparison game here, and the two keep canceling each other out. On one hand, you really want to trust your gut and live your life according to your own set of spiritual rules, and on the other hand, you keep missing golden opportunities to make money and/or work.

You can't justify either situation, as it's hard to live a spiritual life without the cash money to support that kind of lifestyle, and you can't do a job that you feel sucks your soul right out of your body.

Here's the month that presents the idea of compromise to you, Cancer. All artists need the money to buy their pencils - and like those artists, it's time for you to come to this realization as well: you can't beat the system, I'm sorry to say. Rebellion will only prolong the fact that you have to work in order to have what you want. July is about a hard lesson in reality.

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Leo (July 23 - August 22): Knight of Wands

There must be something in the air that's pushing us all back to work - as

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