June 29th, 2021: A Good Day For Partnerships

Painting by Feliks Pęczarski: Amatorowie herbaty i kuriera (Wikimedia Commons)

Painting by Feliks Pęczarski: Amatorowie herbaty i kuriera (Wikimedia Commons)

  • Waning Trine between the Pisces Moon and Cancer Sun (7 deg)

  • Mars in Leo trine Juno Rx in Sagittarius (11 deg)

The Waning Trine encourages you to share your needs with others. Compassion, sensitivity and nurturing are available- find a trusted source and make a connection based on what you're feeling (rather than thinking). Others will be receptive because what you're sharing resonates with their instincts. Good for establishing a comfortable connection that's free of judgements. 

Mars trine Juno Rx works well with the above as you're also encouraged to take action that facilitates progress in a partnership agreement. The agreement itself is being revisited but if you act from a place of dignity, joy and generosity you can reignite the agreement's promise or encourage your partner with bold efforts. If you're on the receiving end of such actions, stay open to what's happening. Cooperation should come easily. Note that Juno's partnership contracts can be personal or professional. 

from Blog - Ruby Slipper Astrology https://ift.tt/3hjZdHZ


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