Does astrology have any science driven foundations for claims that astrology makes?

I am a skeptic, but I'm trying to make a genuine effort to understand astrology. Don't just roast me for having a different opinion, let's have a civil discussion.

I recently found out that my girlfriend believes in astrology. Personally I don't believe in astrology (I am a physics major and learned about the stars from that perspective), but I really like her and I would like to give astrology a chance... for her. I need a few questions answered before I can start my journey into astrology.

I am NOT saying that the location of planets during our birth doesn't have an impact on our lives, but rather I don't have a reason to believe that it does.

  • It seems as though Astrology offers answers to very big and important questions such as who we are and why we act in particular ways, but I don't understand how it is able to make these claims.
    • I have read articles that claim certain configurations of the planets and the sun have "X" effects on our personality, but these articles NEVER explain how or why the location of the planets have these impacts on our lives. I am beginning to think that there might not be an explanation to be given.

Question: Does the Astrology offer science driven reasons for why the location of a planet(s) or the sun during our births directly impact our lives or why they have the effects that Astrology claims?

Without an understanding of why "the location of mars" during my birth makes my personally more or less aggressive, then I can't help but DEFAULT to believing that astrology is "faith-based philosophy" that is closer to religion than science. Therefore the claims astrology makes is based on faith rather the cold unrelenting logic of science.

TLDR; GF REALLY likes astrology. I like GF. GF wants me to like astrology. I need to figure out if astrology offers practical information and insights to understanding the universe or is a "faith-based philosophy/religion".

submitted by /u/rgmundo524
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