Weekly astrology May 31- June 6 is spiritual and emotional, But…

Food family home and nurture all come to the forefront as Venus enters Cancer on June 2 until June 26. Early in the week Most planetary aspects are beneficial and light with a loved up Venus Jupiter trine on 3/4. BUT one of the hardest ass aspects happens June 5 as Mars opposes Pluto in Capricorn. A preview of the 1st Pluto return in the USA in 2022.

Dream big May 31 as Mars trines Neptune in Pisces.

Venus in Cancer ♋

Note Venus in Cancer is moving Out Of Bounds OOB until June 19

Venus is Cancer is the goddess emerging from the ocean in Cancer where she is most maternal, very tender hearted and very emotional. It’s all about love of home, food, family, sentimental, mom and apple pie, and giving love and food to mothers, children, the homeless and everyone. A good time to get pregnant. Buy a home or redecorate your crib.

Do Tend to the inner child. Love your tummy as it will rule you during this time. Tummies will be easily upset too. Let yourself eat what nurtures you. It bodes well for being near water. Swim as much as you can or be on a beach. Take long soothing rebirthing baths.

We will be feeling very sentimental, tears come easily. Taking care of the home, donating to food banks and cook comfort food and tell your mom or whoever nurtured you how much you love them.

Children born during this time are mommy’s kids and will love to eat and be traditional feminine and motherly. Note Prince Harry and Meghan’s daughter could be born with this aspect. Mommy‘a girl. This is true for all Venus in Cancer people.

June 5 Mercury Retrograde square Neptune in Pisces ♓ at 23 degrees.

For sure you will hear from a last lover, the one who got away, the one who deceived you. Revelations of hidden things may shock you. Waking you up from your projections. This may hurt a lot but is also healing you from denial, addictions and delusions. A positive time to review your goals and dreams. It’s Good for creativity, meditation visualization and charity work. Donate what you don’t need. Write our your spiritual manifesto. Pay attention to your dreams these days because of Jupiter in Pisces ♓ too.

June 5 Red Letter very hard ass aspect as Mars in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn.

This is A war signature, watch out for domestic and government battles. There will be Fury over indigenous and all children disappearing and sex slavery undercover knowledge may come out . Be careful of accidents in your home and around water. Especially swimming and boating, there may be naval accidents or bombings and incidents. Domestic terrorists or big family battles are to be expected. Street fighting, evictions, abuse of mothers and children. If you are in danger from an abusive family member seek help.

Anger from childhood sexual and or emotional abuses by mothers and patriarchs too will well up like a tsunami. Bitter tears may be shed profusely over past indignities.

Anger and emotions will be high. Mothers against fathers, the people versus corporations and plutocrats.

Mars in Cancer is women warriors and men who worship and defend mothers. Mars opposite Pluto empowers mothers, women and children to fight patriarchal overlords and take back their power. Hindu goddess Mother Durga is a fierce warrior and protectress. Hey Matta Durga is her mantra.

Countries with planets at 24-28 Cancer Capricorn will be strongly affected.

The US has its natal Mercury retrograde Vertex and Part of Fortune in late Cancer and of course it’s natal Pluto at 27 Capricorn. Israel’s MC is on this degree.

June astrology and Tarot transmission join me live May 30 on Cosmic Intelligence Agency page on YouTube or Facebook 5:00 pm PDT, 8:00 pm EDT, June 1 at 1:00 am GMT and 10:00 am Melbourne Australia time. Free.

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Join me May 31 Live at 5:00 pm PDT, 8;00 pm EDT, June 1 at 1:00 am GMT for Astrology Tarot transmissions use link below


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from Tara Greene,Tarot Reader, Astrology Psychic https://ift.tt/3fAEn7z


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