May 30th, 2021: What If?

Gustave Moreau’s Salome -, CC BY-SA 4.0 (Wikimedia Commons)
Waning Trine between the Aquarius Moon and Gemini Sun (9 deg)
Venus in Gemini inconjunct Pluto Rx in Capricorn (26 deg)
Neptune conjunct Pallas in Pisces (23 deg)
The Waning Trine favours the easy sharing of ideas. Reaching out to the collective is encouraged - compare what you know with others and you may be pleasantly surprised. Excellent for supportive interactions that are intellectually stimulating but not emotionally demanding.
The energy of this trine is detached and you'll need some of that to deal with Venus/Pluto. Beneath the surface of an interesting diversion/attraction/flirtation there's a darker impulse. The fear of loss can fuel control and manipulation without you/they being fully aware of what's happening. Or, heavy secrets can drive choices about relationships, money or values. This aspect can be uncomfortably seductive.
Don't allow yourself to be controlled by someone or by your own unexplored issues. If the situation feels "off" or find yourself trying to get more (than is appropriate) from a light interaction, step back. There is something going on beneath the surface- try distancing yourself and viewing the issue from above.
Neptune/Pallas is the first of three conjunctions. Here we have the beautiful pattern or transcendent strategy. The drive to succeed is infused with compassion. "Winning" means helping those who cannot help themselves.
While this conjunction can lead to inspiration, magical moments of creativity and vivid/prophetic dreams, there's always a risk of getting caught up in a paranoid fantasy (conspiracy theories or false patterns). Be careful. This conjunction will reoccur on Aug 27th, 2021 and Jan 17th, 2022 so you'll have plenty of time to check and double-check what you're seeing.
Again, the Waning Trine can help with this - tap into that Aquarian logic by asking "What if?" while maintaining some intellectual distance. Be open but not naive. Today is a day of odd, exceptional and somewhat risky opportunities.
from Blog - Ruby Slipper Astrology
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