New Love inventions

March 30

MOON is in deep dark transformative sexy Scorpio MArch 30- 31.

The Big astrology aspect today is VENUS in ARIES sextile SATURN in AQUARIUS

Venus in ARIES is headstrong, spontaneous, competitive, aggressive, an Amazon warrioress. her sextile to Saturn the planet of serious maturity and patience slows her impulsiveness down which is a good thing. Aquarius energy is freedom and invention detachment and overthrowing old forms. These two go well together time for unconventional open different mind expanding relationships. SAturn in Aquarius is the internet so zoom sex will have to suffice these day.

please watch today’s video with a 3 card tarot reading of the day.

Please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene

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from Tara Greene,Tarot Reader, Astrology Psychic


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