An Astrological Overview of April 2021

by Robert Wilkinson

As the editor of the Astrology Arizona newsletter, I compose an overview of each month. Today we take a look at the primary factors for the month.

Before we jump into the overview of the month, I want to welcome all to drop by our Facebook page at Astrology Arizona and join the social media initiative going on there. Please feel free to contribute a topic, ask about a topic, or anything else related to our new group. See you over there!

The Overview for April

This year the month of April is a swirl of productive aspects expanding the initiatives of Spring into action! Mercury and Mars are both moving very quickly, so all things ruled by those planets should unfold fairly quickly, even as Pluto goes stationary retrograde and Saturn, Jupiter, and Neptune begin to slow down, preparing to go retrograde between late May and late June.

We begin the month with Venus just past her recent conjunction with the Sun moving at maximum speed, favoring the fulfillment of all things Venusian at a rapid pace. Even though the beginning of the month shows Mercury in Pisces and Venus in Aries both in their signs of “exile,” remember that any planet can function favorably in any sign, so please take rumors of “afflictions” and “debilities” with the proverbial grain of salt. As it is said, in the hands of a Master anything can be turned to good. Once Mercury enters Aries, said to be the sign of its spiritual rulership, we should be able to be guided to our Souls in very short order!

The first half of the month accents Aries energies, and the second half of the month accents Taurus energies. As Aries and Taurus are the first two signs of the zodiac, those teach us how to approach life spontaneously on our own terms, moving into all things new and enjoyable. Wherever you have Aries and Taurus will be the primary focus these next few weeks, supported by multiple sextiles between the Aries planets and transiting Mars in Gemini trine Jupiter in Aquarius.

All of these sextiles from Aries cutting the Mars-Jupiter trine in two promise very high productivity wherever we have the last decan of Aquarius, Aries, and Gemini in our chart, so make the most of it!! This “three note chord” is very favorable and activates the second and third weeks of the month when the Sun sextiles Mars and Jupiter around 24-26 Aries/Gemini/Aquarius, and again when Mercury makes the same aspects at exactly 27 degrees of those signs. This should harmonize and activate those sectors of our chart, preparing us to enter the “Transfiguration Zone” as Jupiter transits the last two degrees of Aquarius between the end of April and the middle of May. When Jupiter transits the Transfiguration Zone of 29/30 Aquarius, it will expand our “graduation into a new realm of Being” set into motion between February and mid-May 2020.

In January and February, Jupiter transited the first half of Aquarius, heralding what will be crystallized by Saturn throughout 2021. What Jupiter opens, Saturn will structure as it rumbles through the first half of Aquarius this entire year. Jupiter’s transit of 17-24 Aquarius in March opened what Saturn will secure in 2022, and Jupiter’s transit of 25-29 Aquarius in April will open what Saturn will secure initially between May and July 2022, and fully crystallize in January, February, and early March 2023.

Even though Saturn square Uranus is now separating, remember that the square is put back into play every time the Moon or another planet transits Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, which continues to put pressure on planets or points we have near 9-14 degrees of these Fixed signs. These various squares represent turning points and braking actions necessary for us to “break on through to the other side” off and on the entire year as Saturn “makes real” all which Jupiter promised by its transit the last half of January and first half of February.

As I offered last month, the exact squares between Saturn and Uranus in January and February will take a new bow on the stage of Life in late April and early May, when Taurus transits conjunct Uranus and square Saturn, showing a turning point in whatever was set into motion early this year. Really, Saturn square Uranus is in play all year and activated three times, showing a friction which will last through February 2022!

The first activation occurred in February from 8 Aquarius to 8 Taurus; the second occurs in June with Saturn retrograde at 14 Aquarius square Uranus at 14 Taurus; and the third happens just after the December Solstice with Saturn direct at 12 Aquarius and Uranus retrograde at 12 Taurus. Remember these waning (upper) squares between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus mark the culmination of the cycle of these power planets which was set into motion when Saturn conjuncted Uranus in 1988. Interestingly, in 1999-2000 Saturn in Taurus made its waxing (lower) square to Uranus in Aquarius, so it would seem that this year activates conflicts dating back 20 years.

We’re Actors On A New Stage With A New Set

2020 was momentous because it began a new 20 year Aquarian Era, primed by the Mars conjunct Saturn at 1 Aquarius last March, and set as a long term wave form at the Grand Mutation last December. That Jupiter conjunction with Saturn also set a new 200 year Era into motion, moving global energies out of Earth and into Air. That implies we’re moving out of the materialism of the past 200 years, and have entered two centuries of the qualities of Air, with the associated qualities of relatedness, receptivity, versatility, movability, lightness, and cooperative ideas, visions, and ideals.

The 2020 Summer Solstice Solar Eclipse is still facilitating a grand reorientation in our lives, accepting new allegiances and life directions, and the December 2020 Solar Eclipse at 24 Sagittarius is still helping us remove blocks to our happiness. We’re still "under the beams" of the Solar Eclipses we’ve been through in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020, and as all Eclipses are “cosmic recyclers” removing that which we no longer need in our lives, take note of where you have 1 Cancer and 24 Sagittarius, since we’re aligning ourselves with a larger reality in the first, and finding happiness in the second.

In April Uranus continues to biseptile Pluto, anchoring a 7-pointed “Star of Destiny" I’ve termed The Grand Irrationality. This represents the very hard edge of revolutionary change we’ve been going through for a while, and it’s activated every time a planet or the Moon moves through one of the seven “hot zones” of this evolutionary configuration. The first half of the month this evolutionary configuration is only triggered by the Moon, but the last half of the month Venus, Mercury, and the Sun all biseptile Pluto and conjunct Uranus, so don’t be surprised if there’s more irrationality in the air!

All the septile-series aspects trigger crucial choices and changes at “forks in the road of destiny.” I have written extensively about “The Grand Irrationality” which has been active for many years at this site and why all of humanity is forging its future destiny at this time. If you have a planet or point near any of the seven zones, your life is sure to be affected. In March these zones are around 25-29 Capricorn, 16-20 Pisces, 8-12 Taurus, 29 Gemini-3 Cancer, 20-24 Leo, 11-15 Libra, and 3-8 Sagittarius.

If things seem irrational and don’t make much sense, there’s always a septile-series aspect in the mix. During this time, if things get crazy, just go slow and be clear about the choices you’re making. While a lot won’t “make sense,” it doesn’t have to; all we must do is be clear about what we’re doing and why while being balanced, moderate, and caring along the way. Even though it is difficult to reason with unreasonable or irrational people, we still have the power to respond in productive ways, as these are points of choice and change where we determine our future destiny.

Primary Action Beats for the First Half of the Month

The month begins with Mercury semi-square Saturn and sextile Pluto as it transits the end of Pisces where we “dream the future archetype” before we move into the new life order of Aries. As all the inner planet transits make waxing aspects to Pluto, Neptune, Saturn, and Jupiter this month, it shows multiple phases of emergent activity wherever we have late Capricorn through early Taurus in our charts.

Besides these aspects, the first week of April brings Sun sextile Saturn, Venus and the Sun both septile Jupiter, and Mercury septile Saturn, showing more crucial choices and changes in our Aquarius and Aries sectors! Because of Saturn’s position in late March and early April, we’ve already begun to evaluate our position on “life’s evolutionary ladder,” seeing what we aspire to and who we need to assist to the next level. And because it occupies Mercury’s stationary direct degree from February, it is the first of three periods where we must “divorce” something from our past.

Venus and the Sun septile Jupiter in the first week activates zones near 22-26 Aquarius, 13-17 Aries, 5-9 Gemini, 26-30 Cancer, 18-22 Virgo, 10-14 Scorpio, and 1-5 Capricorn. The Mercury septile Saturn (also in the first week) activates zones around 10-14 Aquarius, 1-5 Aries, 22-26 Taurus, 14-18 Cancer, 6-10 Virgo, 27 Libra-1 Scorpio, and 19-23 Sagittarius. As you can see, this period may be a wild ride with so many sectors activated by these septile-series aspects so expect a lot of major shifts this month, both personally and globally!

As we move into the second week of the month, we see numerous sextiles and quintiles. Here I’ll remind you that aspects are often more active just after they are exact, so extend the influence at least a day or two after these days. We have Venus sextile Mars on April 5, Venus sextile Jupiter and Mercury sextile Saturn on April 10, and Sun sextile Mars on April 13. All of these promise high productivity despite the cross currents of Mars square Neptune on April 9 and Venus square Pluto on April 11. Add Mercury quintile Pluto and Venus quintile Saturn, and highly specialized “direct knowing” is in the air.

The New Moon at 23 Aries on April 11 incorporates these cross current aspects, and promises a very harmonious 4 weeks with the theme of following through on something already in motion along with our first “dress rehearsal” in “picking up and delivering spiritual power.” Though the New Moon has Venus exactly square Pluto, remember Venus is sextile Jupiter, so we can use the productive Venus aspect to release power through Pluto, and use Pluto’s power to release through the productive Venus. And the New Moon sextile Mars and Jupiter makes it clear this should be one of the most favorable periods of the year!

Primary Action Beats for the Second Half of the Month

As noted, the second half of the month has a different energy than the first half, even if the New Moon’s influence will extend through the last half of April into the first half of May. Mid-month kicks off with Sun sextile Jupiter and square Pluto, allowing us a very visionary and efficient use of productive power. Note your inner changes, since your internal “barometer” can show you what’s coming as you measure your life progress from the angle of your Soul.

The third week of the month also features both Sun and Mercury quintile Saturn, along with the exact trine from Mars to Jupiter which will be in play through the fourth week of April and Mercury sextile both Mars and Jupiter while square Pluto. All the squares to Pluto indicate our need to bust illusions, beware of hidden agendas, find the right sense of perspective and proportion regarding what we are told or think, and mobilize, rising to some occasion by addressing some need in a balanced way.

After the Superior Conjunction at 30 Aries we begin a period where the “fusion of mind and life” will show us why certain boundaries are needed so we can find a sense of contentment and social fulfillment as we “play on our duck pond with other ducks.” Focusing potency will allow us to enjoy concretizing the new group energies set into motion in 2020, and lead us to the Ageless “Buddha Wisdom” at the Wesak Festival Full Moon at the end of the month.

The final third of the month brings Venus quintile Jupiter and the biseptile to Pluto and conjunction with Uranus, activating the Grand Irrationality. Mars enters Cancer on April 23 and immediately septiles Uranus and triseptile Pluto. This is accompanied immediately by Mercury quintile Jupiter, biseptile Pluto and conjunct Uranus, bringing both Martian and Mercurial energy into the activation of the Grand Irrationality. This means that three points of this “7 pointed Star of Destiny” are activated, as are all the void resonant points listed above.

At the same time, Venus and Mercury are conjunct, with both square Saturn from 13 Taurus to 13 Aquarius, bringing the challenge to mobilize for some sort of gain as our “experiment in our improvised lab nears completion.” Take heart, simplify what needs simplifying, get focused, eliminate unnecessary considerations, and find strength in knowing you’ve made it to here!

The Full Moon on April 26 at 8 Taurus/Scorpio ushers in a time when the “Eternal Buddha Wisdom” will begin to come forth in a new form so that humanity may grow in compassion in 2021. This will bring a time of “using knowledge and skill to meet the demands of a stage yet to come,” expressed through our ability to still our mental chatter so we may know the reflected light of greater awareness. With Pluto stationary retrograde at this Wesak Festival, it is sure to be a transformative year where we will learn what “spiritual mountain” we’ve been climbing, and who our Spiritual Sisters and Brothers are as we all journey to the peak together.

Evolutionary Development

This is the twelfth month of the North Node in Gemini era, showing that our line of greatest evolutionary development is through seeing the many ways to learn and communicate a given thing, especially with an eye to assimilating diverse ideas from diverse sources. Themes this month include “putting on the show” and finding ways to let go of the ghosts of the past. Get clear about rights and duties, as well as what to do to liberate yourself from old ways and means.

Remember to keep lightening and brightening your life in the area of your chart where you have Aquarius, since that’s what’s opening for everyone! This year we’re being tested to use the non-stop friction of the Taurus/Aquarius square to launch new visions, new models, new interactions, and new teamwork. Use the favorable aspects between the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn to move emergent ideas forward while exploring alternate ways to accomplish your goals. The favorable aspects linking Aquarius, Aries, and Gemini constitute a very harmonious “three note chord” of productivity where we have those signs in our chart.

Because of transiting Jupiter and Saturn, keep opening to seeing ways to make a greater contribution to your society or the world through managing your emotional, social, and spiritual responses. This month throws us fully into the new era, with productive openings and realignments happening. Keep using the tension of the squares from Aquarius to Taurus to honor your strength, courage, determination, focus, and ability to attract your heart’s desire by being clear about what you want and what you don’t. As Leo and Scorpio continue to be the solutions to any problems generated by the squares, show heart, take heart, trust the heart, strengthen the heart, and radiate the Love you ARE to your world. BE the power of your inner Spiritual Warrior who never fears and cannot be defeated.

While Aries and Taurus are about individual growth and life enjoyment, it’s still an opening phase for all which was set into motion at the Aquarian conjunctions. The group work continues to expand, so please keep in mind that we're all more aware, capable, and stronger together than we are separately. Use the Sun in Aries to see the Light of your individual self-reliance and integrity, and move quickly into the productivity promised the linkage between the Aquarius, Aries, and Gemini energies this month. As we’ve launched into a new 20 year and 200 year cycle, remember a new era has dawned, so have courage and take the initiative to leave the Earth and fly free into the Air of what’s opening as the Grand Mutation expands its promise.


Since I also include this in the newsletter, I’ll offer it to you here:


SUN – 12 Aries to 11 Taurus
MERCURY – 25 Pisces to 23 Taurus
VENUS – 13 Aries to 19 Taurus
MARS –17 Gemini to 5 Cancer
JUPITER –24 to 29 Aquarius
SATURN – 12 to 14 Aquarius
URANUS – 10 to 11 Taurus
NEPTUNE – 22 to 23 Pisces
PLUTO –27 Capricorn (all month)
TRUE NORTH NODE – 13 to 12 Gemini



NEW MOON – April 11; Sun and Moon at 23 Aries
FULL MOON/WESAK FESTIVAL – April 26; Sun 8 Taurus, Moon 8 Scorpio

© Copyright 2021 Robert Wilkinson

from Aquarius Papers - Global Astrology


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