Your Zodiac Sign's Weekly Tarot Card Reading For March 1 - March 7, 2021

Zodiac Sign Weekly Tarot Card Reading, March 1 - March 7, 2021

Your weekly tarot card reading is here with a prediction for all zodiac signs starting the first week of March 1-7, 2021.

As we move into the third month of the year, we simultaneously move into new lessons about ourselves.

This week brings on some strong feelings in several of the signs, mainly the idea of self-preservation and the idea of moving forward, rather than backward.

What does your zodiac sign's weekly tarot card reading have in store for you?

Venus is in Pisces, and this week holds new ideas in terms of love; we will be questioning ourselves on this very topic.

RELATED: Your Tarot Horoscope For March 1-31, 2021, By Zodiac Sign

Are we loving the right person, and are we doing our best for them? We'll also be asking ourselves if our role on this planet suits us...are we really cut out for the tasks we give ourselves or are we imposters?

The Tarot is short and to the point; let go of the past. Learn from it, yes, but do not live in it.

There is only one direction, and that is forward. Life is worth living and it's the only way we can experience the greatness of love. Having said that, let's take a look now at the individual readings for each of our zodiac signs.

Weekly tarot card reading for March 1-7, 2021, by zodiac sign:

Aries (March 21 - April 19): Queen of Swords

During your first week of March, you should be feeling quite confident, if not a bit cold.

This coolness is a result of recently acquired wisdom; you are not in the mood to return to a certain kind of lifestyle - you've learned a few valuable lessons over the last few weeks and it's made you skeptical.

You are not about to be fooled again and you have your eye out for red flags.

When you see one, you move past it, stealthily and with purpose. You know who you are and what you want, and you've made a resolution of sorts that March will be different than February, and you are right.

You walk into this new month with great discernment and knowledge. Your choices will be good ones, smart ones.

Stick to your newfound ability to weed out that which doesn't work for you, and trust your instincts as they seriously DO work for you now.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Ace of Wands

During this week you are going to find out that you can do things by the rules - and still remain true to yourself, as wacky and nutty as your way maybe. You've always been determined to remain individual; in fact, you can't help it.

In some cases, this has not helped your cause, but now you are realizing that you can have everything you want if you compromise to a don't have to lose yourself in the process, but you need to understand that sometimes change is a good way to learn essential lessons.

This may translate as an argument at work, one that you'll need to back down from. Notice how backing down doesn't necessarily ruin your life as you expected; also notice how a little compromise will get you what you want in the long run.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Seven of Swords, reversed

By the time this week rolls around, you'll have come to terms with the fact that you can't go on like this anymore; you are starting to notice patterns that bring you down.

You spend way too much time being sad, and for no reason - you simply couldn't get yourself out of it, and so you stayed for an extended period of time, in the sadness that made no sense to you.

This is the week where you'll be handed a choice: Start making something of your life from scratch, or go back to pining for the old ways - the ones that never worked for you.

The lesson here for you is that you have to admit you're wrong and that your lifestyle is not working for you.

You need to admit failure so that you can manifest the success you believe you are ready for. It's time, Gemini - you need to catch up to the rest of the's waiting for you.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Nine of Wands, reversed

You may spend a portion of this week going over a few mistakes you made in the past couple of weeks, especially in terms of paperwork, documents, or taxes.

This might be tax week for you, and while it's not your favorite time of the year, it's the time you need to be paying attention to the work at hand, rather than putting it off yet another week.

The upside is that there's nothing wrong here - you have done the work to make your amends, and all things should go smoothly. What the concern here is, is that you keep putting off the simple work of just collecting the info you need.

You are starting to make a big deal out of a very little issue, and this is turning into apathy and unnecessary laziness.

Do yourself a favor and set a goal for your work to be completed and work towards that goal as if it were a very important thing in your life - because it is, Cancer. Do the work sooner, rather than later.

Leo (July 23 - August 22): Six of Pentacles

This week is a good one for you, and it will bring you the experience of knowing that your hard work is paying off and that you're in the final stages of some grand renovation.

This could be as obvious as something done in the household, or it could be a renovation of finances, a new job, a new opportunity that comes to you as a reward for your dedicated service.

What you've built will stand, Leo, and that is something you can be proud of. This week you will get to see that you've been

Keywords: zodiac

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