Saturn in 8th house in Aries = cursed sex life? Ego death?

I’ve read Saturn in the 8th can POSSIBLY give you bad luck in regards to debt, relationships with your father and sex/intimacy. So far, it’s only manifested in my life as constant issues with sex. I think Saturn means blockages? And I always have blockages in sex in my relationships. Sorry if this is TMI but I always have bad luck for multitudes of reasons from pain, to PH, to lack of lubrication and even after getting all of those issues resolved, sex is never seamless for me. There’s always some kind of issue, physical, emotional or environmental. As a result I have lots of anxiety towards the act. Browsing on Reddit, I read many people with this placement have chosen celibacy, or have had difficult sex lives as well.

I also read this about this placement on

“The 8th house’s sexual urgency may be subtly expressed, and noticeably repressed by a formulaic Saturn. Themes around sexual anxieties, inhibition and phobia around intimacy provide a deeper insight into the unrelenting grip of the ego, one largely fearful of becoming lost amongst the energies of another being during intimacy. Once the ultimate creation through destruction has occurred, ego death through 8th house metamorphosis, the ultimate ethereal bonding and sexual ascension can become acquired through intimacy.

There is a conscious loss of separation and a transcendental fusing of shared energies once the individual has mastered slipping between the spaces of his or her exoteric being. Medical professionals may be consulted for a seemingly physiological sexual disinhibition that relates more closely to indwelling fears around subjecting the ego to a greater force, whether it be sexual intercourse or divinity.”

I’ve literally went to different medical professionals to see if something was wrong with me only to find I am completely normal! I believe Saturn is supposed to represent not only death but also rebirth and transformation. From my understanding and as indicated in the quote above, I will only find true intimacy after an ego death.

My question is if anyone with this placement can relate? If you’ve gotten past this, how? Any other commentary, observation is appreciated.

submitted by /u/maggieswaggie
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