February 28th, 2021: The Power Of Details

Anonymous (Northern Netherlands)

Anonymous (Northern Netherlands)

  • Virgo Moon trine Pluto in Capricorn (26 deg)

  • Virgo Moon trine Mars in Taurus (27 deg)

  • Moon Void of Course (10:57 am)

  • Moon enters Libra (2:16 pm)

The Moon’s trines to Pluto and Mars strengthen the need to cleanse, fix and perfect. You can take an improvement a step deeper as actions easily push past limits. Details have significant power.

A Grand Earth Trine is formed as the three Earth signs are linked in a harmonious circuit. Watch for increased motivation to do something correctly while making small but powerful improvements in your physical environment. Excellent for practical, precise work that requires total concentration.

If you’re trying to accomplish something, you’ll make more progress if you act before the Moon goes VOC. One the Moon enters Libra, the vibe shifts from intensive work to relating and comparing.

from Blog - Ruby Slipper Astrology https://ift.tt/3q1m0dN


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