Exalted / domicile placements can sometimes be weak, and fall/detriment can sometimes be strong

I’ve read this only a couple times but I really think there’s something to discuss here. Too quickly in basic astrology people say exalted (or domicile) placements are good and detriment or fall is bad and that’s the way it is.

I think though a planet can have problems in exalted placements because it gets spoiled in this position. It’s used to things happening in its own comfort zone and way and when that doesn’t happen it has no coping skills.

I’m not singling anyone out here but let’s take a Taurus moon. Down to earth, placid, stable, and affectionate. Being able to be both stable and affectionate are good emotional skills that aren’t easy to master. And being down to earth and grounded is such an important life skill. So it’s really good to have those traits come easily.

Okay so that’s all good until something in life requires some get up and go and flexibility and being a little more abstract. The traits of the Taurus moon might be too used to being able to handle people and situations without any effort or thought and so there’s no natural tendency to self examine and try something new. It’s like...I’m used to being me and that works most of the time but there’s no backup when it doesn’t work. That’s what I mean by spoiled.

Also, there can be an attitude of being fed up when everyone else isn’t as emotionally gifted.

Take Venus in Libra. Domicile. So good at giving and receiving affection. Maybe too good? Super easy for these people to give up a big part of their genuine self to make people like them. They don’t realize that the reason some people are more disagreeable isn’t because they’re jerks, but because they value their own views more than getting along. Easily trampled by folks who aren’t worried about being liked. And a similar thing where the Venus in libra is fed up and annoyed at everyone else who lacks their natural relationship skills.

Venus in Pisces is exalted and yes, this placement can have a higher eternal love that’s so enlightened and spiritual that oops you pined away on someone for a year who doesn’t remember your full name. And again getting annoyed that people can’t pour out the same level of devotion.

Again I could give an example for any of the exalted domiciles. It’s like being too good at something, sometimes.

So what about the flip side. A Scorpio moon is a fall and is difficult sure. But a lot of them seem to have figured out very quickly that their emotions are difficult and to take responsibility for them. The lack of natural ease, the lack of “just blindly feel my way through life and everything goes great and everyone supports me” means tons of self examining. Some of them seem to have much more self awareness and take a lot of responsibility for how they affect people and how they come across. It’s virtuous and impressive.

Same with Capricorn moon. They seem aware early on that they have to control their emotions on life to manage which is a maturity thing. They don’t have the luxury of the domicile cancer moon to just spill emotions and so they learn to take a self aware view and also not expect to be the center of attention and all that.

I can’t write an essay now on every placement but I’ve noticed sometimes the exalted and domicile placements can become “spoiled” and then have to learn self awareness later in life for moments of weakness.

submitted by /u/AwesomeAmaryllis
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