Astrology in December 2023 and January-February 2024 - Mercury In Capricorn
by Robert Wilkinson At 6:31 am PST on December 1, Mercury temporarily leaves Sagittarius and enters the practical sign of Capricorn, slowing to go retrograde at 9 Capricorn, beginning our review of the Capricorn themes of 2023 to see how well we’ve “aligned” with our angels and the invisible world. This is the next phase in Mercury’s long dance between Sagittarius and Capricorn which lasts until early February when it finally enters Aquarius. Mercury in Capricorn now brings Cardinal Earth to the forefront of any planets or houses we have with Gemini or Virgo prominent. Mercury’s entry into Capricorn shows it’s slowing rapidly, preparing to go retrograde at 9 Capricorn on December 12, just after the New Moon at 21 Sagittarius. Mercury entered its “shadow zone” at 23 Sagittarius on November 25, so use the next few days to get all your ducks lined up, your purchases made, and your paperwork straightened out and submitted or be ready to postpone this for a few weeks, whichever works fo...