
Friday Outlaw Show Celebrating the 2024 Birthday of Harry Nilsson and Waylon Jennings

by Robert Wilkinson Today we celebrate the birthdays of two talents who were remarkable in their similarities and differences. These guys were both legends and outlaws! And we even have a cult movie narrated by Alan Thicke! One's voice was beautiful, one's was deep and resonant. Both were rebels, and hung around with unique talents. Harry and St. John the Beatle were best friends in their hell-raising Los Angeles era, while Waylon and St. Willie were best friends in the "Outlaw Country" era. Harry Nilsson (June 15, 1941 – January 15, 1994) had a voice that was quite amazing, with a 3 ½ octave range that allowed him to create some fairly eclectic interpretations of his own and others' songs. Waylon, on the other hand, had a great voice, but an even greater sound, with a deep driving bass beat keeping his songs steady as they whirled around him in a new form of country no one had ever done before. Here’s Harry live in 1968, doing his huge hit from the Midnight

Horary charts: stationary planet

Hello all! I do know that retrograde planets, unless in situations where a person wants to get back someone or something (e.g., an ex), are frowned upon in horary charts. But what if a significator is stationing? Especially if going to turn retrograde from direct? Is it considered a significant weakness for the significator? If you have been a horary astrologer, I would be grateful for some real-life examples. submitted by /u/greatbear8 [link] [comments] from Astrology via IFTTT

Saturn Stationary Retrograde in June 2024 at 20 Pisces – Preparing For the Feast

by Robert Wilkinson Saturn goes stationary retrograde at 20 Pisces at 12:07 pm PDT, 6:07 pm BST on June 29, and will remain retrograde until mid-November when it will go direct at 13 Pisces. What does this mean? First, it means that we are now continuing to substantiate the vision we acquired while Saturn was in Aquarius using Piscean energy. Now we begin a review of all Saturn related things we’ve been learning since mid-March, when Saturn entered its 2024 shadow zone. Since then we’ve gotten a look at the span between 13 and 20 Pisces, and now get a different understanding of that same span of experience, but from a retrograde angle instead of a direct angle. As I see it, the path Saturn takes between entering its shadow zone and its retrograde station is our first look at certain Saturn lessons related to that part of the sign. Then during the retrograde we get a different angle on the lessons we’ve just been through. The third time Saturn crosses the shadow zone we know what to exp

One-Card Tarot Horoscope On June 28, 2024 For Each Zodiac Sign

Photo: sparklestroke, AnzhelikaP, Alaine Garcia from Sketchify, sol_studio from Getty Images | Canva Pro On June 28, 2024, our one-card tarot horoscope for June 28, 2024 reveals a day filled with gifts of the spirit and opportunities for emotional growth. Keywords: astrology Read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

Hardships Come To An End For 3 Zodiac Signs On June 28, 2024

Photo: tcha studio, Chikovnaya, cottonbro studio | Canva Pro June 28, 2028 brings us relief and a feeling of self satisfaction for having endured the hardship, and sticking with it long enough to see the results at play. Keywords: astrology Read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT

Pluto Transits –Radical, Purifying, Intense, and Nothing Personal

by Robert Wilkinson I was asked recently if I thought that Pluto’s influence/affect by transit, whether by strong aspects or house ingress in our natal charts, can’t really be fully understood until well after contact. The answer is found on many levels of life. Pluto represents depth transformation to the core of our Being. It represents forces beyond our control which bring us into contact with either our personal “underworld” or an external extreme situation which threatens an important factor in our life in some way (also bringing us into our personal underworld!) Pluto is a vast influence, triggering changes in entire generations and subgenerations around the world. It brings collective change based in transpersonal forces clearing out what is no longer needed. The original question is actually one of perception. Our level of understanding the deep and far-reaching changes associated with Pluto is entirely dependent on the "local conditions" as shown by the visible plane

The Unconventional Money Habits Of Each Zodiac Sign

Photo: Polea Design from Polea Design, Rostik Solonenko's Images, NassyArt from NassyArt, Billion Photos via Canva Everyone handles money differently, but some people have bizarre or strange quirks when it comes to spending or saving. Here are the unconventional money habits of each zodiac sign. Keywords: astrology Read more from zodiac | YourTango via IFTTT